Family Recipes :: Apple Cake {there’s fruit in it so it HAS to be healthy!}


When my husband and I were first married, I did not cook. As a single woman I lived on take out and fried bologna sandwiches (don’t knock it if you haven’t tried it). When I became a wifey, I was determined to fulfill my domestic role and worked on meal preparation for the two of us. I learned I was pretty good at making all sorts of breakfast foods but cooking dinner was another story. More than anything I struggled with the timing….knowing when to put the fish sticks in the oven, microwave the frozen corn and fire up the pot of Cheesy Mac so it all finished at the same time was darn hard! Thank goodness my new husband was not hard to please and what we still call “The 2nd Grader Dinner” of fish sticks, mac-n-cheese and corn is still suitable for a meal every now and then.

I so desperately wanted to be a good cook. My mom is a good cook but she never really taught my sisters and me. She would probably say we never asked but I know her type….”get out of my way, I can do it faster and better”….I am one myself. So night after night I burned pork chops and undercooked chicken. But the one thing I could always make and USUALLY didn’t ruin was Apple Cake.  A recipe that my mom has made for as long as I can remember, it was what I always took to get-togethers.  It has been a go-to for when my in-laws came over for a visit (because don’t we all want our mother-in-law to think we are taking good care of her baby boy). It was my life raft in a sea of botched casseroles and flat and lifeless cookies. You can call it a dessert or eat as a treat for breakfast.

apple cake after
Smelling yummy, straight from the oven!

Now 9 years of marriage and two kids later, I would definitely say my kitchen skills have grown by leaps and bounds. I still wouldn’t call myself a good cook but I have a few dishes and desserts that I can always count on to be tummy pleasers. Pinterest has helped me step outside my comfort zone and try new recipes. And Apple Cake? Yes, it is still definitely still in our regular rotation. Nothing fills your house more wonderfully with the smell of cinnamon and warmth while it bakes.

Apple Cake Tips :

– Start with 3 bowls (small – apples, medium – dry ingredients, large – wet ingredients).  Add everything to the large bowl.

– You’ll need some muscle to mix everything up, so don’t give up!

– The batter is more of a cookie dough than cake dough batter consistency….likewise, it is VERY edible if you aren’t scared of the raw eggs (which I am not) 🙂

Click on the image below to start baking! 

Emily S Recipe Image

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