Babies Develop at Their Own Pace :: Celebrate Development Milestones


Disclaimer :: This post was written and sponsored by My Health My Resources of Tarrant County to share with Fort Worth Moms readers.

Every baby is different from the moment he or she is conceived, but there are milestones to keep track of, both in the womb and after birth. 

Keeping in touch with an OB/GYN through regular checkups during pregnancy is key to knowing if the baby is meeting these milestones while in the womb, but what about after the baby is born? 

baby smiling and in crawl pose

Celebrating Milestones

Babies’ brains develop quickly, which allows them to learn a vast amount of information early on. From picking up their head and smiling back at you between three and six months of age, to trying to take their first steps between 12 and 15 months, each baby will learn these milestones at their own pace. 

Every milestone is opening a new chapter in your little one’s life. Developmental milestones tend to be tracked in three- to six-month increments. Examples of these milestones can be found here

Equally as important are social and emotional milestones. Visit for more information on these milestones.

But what if your baby isn’t hitting milestones in those outlined increments? The first thing to do is be patient. Each baby develops at their own pace, so getting caught up on what they should or shouldn’t be doing can be stressful. 

My Health My Resources crying baby boy sitting with toys

Questions About Your Little One’s Development

If you have questions, talk to your family doctor, or call Early Childhood Services to discuss your baby’s progress. Don’t hesitate to ask questions. 

There are some “red flags” to keep an eye out for, so parents should be aware of their babies’ actions and reactions at any age. 

Red flags are warnings of potential problems. Talk to your family doctor and call Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) if your child displays any of the signs listed below:


  • Cannot bend arms or legs.
  • Does not smile, move, or look at you when you talk or play with him or her.
  • Does not want to be held.
  • Does not make sounds by three months.
  • Does not babble by six months.


  • Has tantrums that last 20 minutes or longer.
  • Breaks things on purpose.
  • Hurts or bites other people.
  • Does not look at you when you call his or her name.
  • Does not play with toys.
  • Flaps hands, rocks, or sways over and over.
  • Does not point at objects he/she wants.
  • Has no words by 12 months.

 Any Age

  • Is fussy or cries a lot, even when not tired or hungry
  • Has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
  • Does not notice people
  • Is unhappy most of the time
  • Any loss of speech, babbling, or social skills

If a child is not showing any of these signs, still be sure to keep track, document, and celebrate developmental milestones. If your little one begins missing milestones by months, it may be time to reach out for help.

Early Childhood Services Can Help is a collaboration of several nonprofits, agencies, and community partners that provides resources for parents through online, phone, and in-person support. 

The website has milestones charts, free online developmental screenings, and a calendar of free parent cafés where you can meet with other parents to discuss parenting or specific topics. 

Parenting is hard, and ECI is there for babies and for parents in your community. For more information or if you have questions or concerns, visit or call 844-NTX-KIDS (844-689-5437).

my health my resources logoEarly Childhood Intervention is a program of My Health My Resources of Tarrant County. Laura Kender is the chief of Early Childhood Services and has more than 25 years’ experience working with child development. 


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