If you’re curious about adoption, you are in the right place. Consider it lucky you live here! The DFW area offers several adoption agencies and organizations along with community opportunities for families created through adoption and for those who just love adoption. (I happen to be both.)
In upcoming posts, you will find profiles and information about many of the local agencies AND info about the adoption process AND what life is like as an “adopted” family.
But for starters, meet my sweetest girl:

Our lovely lady is Texas born and now 2-years-old. She joined our family when she was only a tiny two weeks old. We chose Hope Cottage Pregnancy and Adoption Center, a local agency, as our helper and facilitator through the adoption journey. It was a heart-swelling, momentous, and yes, y’all, I won’t lie, sometimes very emotional experience! But oh-so-worth it.
Adoption is a joy, and I am just thrilled to share our journey with you. What questions do you have about adoption? I’ll tackle the toughest or tamest question right here on Fort Worth Moms Blog. The process? The cost? Where to go? What do you want to know? No question is too silly or serious. Send ’em my way.
So, let’s hear it, three cheers for adoption. Yay. Yay. Yay.
Share your experiences and/or questions on adoption with us!
I have SO many questions, Youree! How do you know where to start? How long did your process take (I know there are many scenarios)? I look forward to hear your family’s “adoption story”. Are there any books/blogs/websites out there you would recommend to people starting out?
I just have a few questions….
What is cost for domestically adopting a newborn??
Can you choose to not adopt from a drug mom???
Can you make it a closed adoption to where no contact is made between either the child or birth parents???
What is process???
Ashley, the cost varies by agencies and is dependent upon your income. Your best bet is to reach out to local adoption agencies with your questions. When adopting domestically, you are able to set parameters about what situations you are comfortable with or not comfortable with. However, I will say that it is a big misconception to think that mothers who choose adoptions for their children are on drugs. Most are not. Mothers who choose adoption for their children are often women who make a very brave choice to find a more stable home because their situations are challenging or their age is young, etc. Most birth mothers are not drug addicts and hookers. They are women in tough situations. I know that is the case for both birth mothers of my daughters. Yes, you can ask for closed adoptions, but I am personally not a fan of closed adoption. Most adoption agencies are also not supporters of closed adoptions unless requested by the birth parents. Research shows closed adoptions are more traumatic for the children and have long-term effects regarding identity and history. Both of my daughters have semi-open adoptions. Everyone wants to know his or her story, heritage, physical similarities. etc. That knowledge is paramount is emotional development. As for process, you need to talk with area agencies as each agencies is slightly different.
Hey Emily! I just recently started to follow you. If your looking for agencies to write about my family owns an adoption agencie in Mansfield, and we are just now opening a non profit for helping mothers in crisis. Which I sadly feel so many people say such bad things about but we’re nothing like most reports say. If you needed one to write about I would be tottaly willing to talk anytime! Thanks and have an awesome weekend