Making A Choice

When we were approached to write about this topic, one of my questions was, “are you sure you would want a post about NOT breastfeeding while celebrating World Breastfeeding Week?” As a FWMB team we agreed that it’s important we talk about this too. Most formula feeding moms I know are worried they’re going to be judged because of their choice. Most of them have made that choice after researching both methods and determining which is right for their family.

Every family’s needs are different, but one thing we all have in common is that we’re on this long-term journey to raise men and women to be the best people they can possibly be. Along that journey, I chose to formula feed.

There are several factors that influenced me. Experiences of my friends and family, the fact that I would be returning to work in the middle of a critical, stressful project when our son was 12 weeks old, wanting to have a partner in the nighttime feedings from the get go – these were some of the most significant items. It went so well with our oldest that we made the same decision for our second.


We came home from the hospital on Similac with both kids, ultimately switching them over to the gentle kind within the first week. For my firstborn, this was perfect for his tiny belly, but my girl still had some tummy troubles on it. Our pediatrician had recommended that we stay in the same family of formulas, but it just wasn’t working for her. Finally, I tried Enfamil Gentlease, and within a few hours, she was a new little lady! I was a little nervous to switch out formulas at first, worried it would bother her, but it was amazing how quickly it changed her demeanor to be on the “right” one for her.

In a crazy turn of events, four days after we were home from the hospital with our baby girl, I came down with an ugly, horrible stomach virus. My toddler got it first, then me, then my husband! It was awful. Just awful. It was so bad I lost 20 pounds of baby weight in 36 hours. But my mom was here with us, and she took my sweet four-day old baby girl back to her peaceful pink room to keep her AWAY from the sickies. I was so thankful because at 4 days postpartum and sick, I could barely get out of bed, much less hold the baby. Since she was on formula, she didn’t miss a beat.


Today I’m a mom of two very healthy children, both of whom feasted on formula within minutes of their birth. The bonding that comes with snuggling a newborn baby every 3-4 hours for a feeding was so precious. I actually loved middle of the night feedings because it was such a peaceful time to love on my little ones. Much like you, I’m sure, I’m constantly amazed at how quickly children change and grow!


Emily G
Emily is married to Brad and mother of the handsome Jack and precious Annabelle. After more than a decade as a software engineer (two of those as a working mother), she cleaned out her cubicle and can be found most days at one of the beautiful parks Cowtown has to offer, without a WiFi hotspot in range. These days, Emily spends her time exploring our fair city with her babes in tow, volunteering at her church, cheering on the Fightin' Texas Aggies, and shopping her way through DFW at large. You'll find her journaling her daily life at Being Mrs. Gentry.


  1. Emily-Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I wrote a post over at DMMB today (Angela posted the link above) where I shared my formula feeding experience. I think it is very important that we showcase ALL the different ways mother’s choose to feed their babies. Thanks again for posting.

    • So happy to read this! As someone planning to formula feed my next baby for medical reasons I get soooo tired of all the anti formula stuff that seems to be everywhere these days. Thanks for sharing!

      • Karen, there are so many different reasons to formula feed, and it’s such a personal choice. I agree–we need to be supportive of one another!

    • Thank you for the support, Katie. I was nervous to “put it out there!” I’m on my way over to read your post.

  2. Thank you so much for this post! I often feel guilty that I made the decision to formula feed (even though I know in my heart it was the absolute right decision for my family) due to all of the insane pressure to breastfeed! It is every woman’s right to make the decision that is best for their family and I think we should all respect this choice.

  3. I have to supplement with formula, and I just wish that feeding was not such a controversial topic. Like you said, we are all just striving to raise well-rounded, caring children … and how they are nourished, nutritionally speaking, should matter far less than how they are nourished emotionally, physically and spiritually. You’re a great momma, Emily!

  4. I respect your decision, and courage to share your choice, however as a mother of 3 and a healthcare provider, I am passionate about breastfeeding. It is not easy for many in the beginning, and without a strong support system it can be easy to give up. I encourage moms who are still on the fence about the decision to really do their research and seek out support.

    It is the single best nutritional food for your child, not to mention numerous life-long health benefits for the child, decreasing risk of breast cancer, weight loss for mom, decreased risk of post partum depression and the list goes on and on.

    I do agree that loving and nurturing your child is the single most important thing so if you are able to do that formula or not, you are still an amazing mother.

  5. Every mother has a choice. No offense at to the author, or anyone with a similar choice, but isn’t it world breast feeding week? Can’t we save all the articles that are not supporting breatfeeding until, I don’t know, maybe….next week?
    Let’s raise awareness and not take away from the week designated specially for breastfeeding.

  6. I have heard all these European formulas are really good and are very close to breast milk? I have made a choice of switching my baby to formula on the side and i hope i won’t regret it..


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