Must-Have Products | Month 1 Essentials

Every person (and especially mom) loves a good recommendation.  Who is your mechanic? Where do your kids go to pre-school/school/camp/dance? Who does your hair? How did you lose all that weight?  What do you use to get that flawless glow?  And as a new mom with lots of pregnant friends, I have had countless texts messages, emails, and phone conversations with my friends while at BuyBuyBaby asking for my advice on what to register for.  So I thought I would do a little mini-series tracking what products have been our favorite as our little girl grows!


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1. Bobby® Newborn Lounger: we already had the Boppy® Pillow (used for nursing, propping, tummy time, and learning to sit), so when a friend offered to let us borrow the lounger I thought we didn’t need it.  Boy was I wrong!  We can throw it anywhere – on the couch to give her a baby massage, on the bed so mom can get dressed and keep an eye on her, or our favorite, on a blanket in the backyard to enjoy some time outside in some of the cooler weather!

2. Miracle Blanket: it 100% has lived up to it’s name. I call it a “straight-jacket for babies”.  Our little sweet pea looks like an adorable little burrito when we wrap her up in it! It has been the best way we can swaddle her up without her breaking free, yet it still gives her a little bit of wiggle room in her legs.

3. WubbaNub™: our little girl has loved her soothie pacifier, which is BPA free and and promotes natural development of teeth and gums, but what is even better is taking said paci and adding a fun animal to it! My personal favorite is the longhorn (Hook ’em!).

4. Burp cloths: lots and lots of burp cloths.  I have learned that you CANNOT have enough burp cloths.  We really like the aden + anais® bamboo burby bib, as it can not only go on baby as a bib, but its U-shaped design allows it to wrap around mom’s neck and catch any spit up.

5. Boon Grass Drying Rack: perfect for counter top drying, and still looks cute! You should also get at least one Twig to place on the grass – we hang all our pacifiers and bottle nipples to save a little room on the grass!


Carly is a stay at home mom to her daughter, Piper, and wife to a Fort Worth native, Mason. She loves making lists, long runs, warm coffee cuddled up on the couch, and a nice afternoon sitting on the patio chatting with friends.


  1. Carly – totally agree with these recommendations. Love that you got to borrow the lounger – definitely an item that is helpful but only for a short while, so borrow one if you can. That Boon grass drying mat is ADORABLE! much cuter than the dishtowels I just always used!

  2. Those miracle blankets have been a lifesaver with both of my kids. I still can’t figure out how the nurses swaddle babies so well in just the fleece blankets. I guess lots of experience. 🙂 And I just discovered the Aden + Anais burpy bibs with Annabelle. I LOVE THEM. They are my new favorite little gift to give. Babies on the Boulevard has a ton of fun patterns!


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