While expecting our first child, I went into research mode. I read everything, from baby books to sleeping books to feeding books and felt pretty confident about motherhood. Even when we brought our little bundle home from the hospital, I had it all “under control.” Until . . . teething!! They really leave stuff about teething OUT of the baby books. My son was a late teether (10.5 months), but the drool started early. I could have sworn everyday for six months that he was about to get a tooth! Teething woes forced me back to the books (and internet) where I discovered a few things to help ease the pain.

Pre-Teeth Stage
Teething brings TONS of drool. No matter what tooth your child is getting you can guarantee it will be accompanied by drool. We didn’t go anywhere without an Aiden and Anais Burpy bib. My son accessorized with this either in his lap or around his neck for many months.
Sophie the Giraffe was popular during my pregnancy, so I received the teether and squeaker versions as gifts. These proved to be faithful teething toys that my son loved! They are made with 100 percent rubber and are easy for little hands to hold. Added bonus – Sophie the squeaker helped our little man roll over for the first time!

Another great pre-teeth product was the Infantino Vibrating Teether. It is easy for your little one to grasp and the vibrating sensation must feel amazing on their gums. My guy loved hanging out with his strawberry! Once your little one starts to get teeth, you will want to retire this product. It can easily become a snack when those teeth start to emerge.
I also discovered Amber Teething Necklaces. A friend of mine used one, and I was curious (and desperate) to find a magic solution. I wish I could tell you that this was our cure for teething, but it didn’t seem to make much difference. Now, I was not extremely faithful in putting it on him, and I wouldn’t let him sleep with it, but I gave it a try. Do your own research and decide what is best for you.
Here Come the Incisors
I am not a doctor of any kind, so the order of teeth is based solely from my own personal experience. Yours will likely be different. At 10.5 months, our son started to get his first tooth . . . actually, he got ALL FOUR front teeth (incisors) at once. Those were good times – said no mom ever! During this stage, we used the Munchkin Fresh Food Feeders. A friend suggested putting frozen berries in them for my little guy to munch. After one time of frozen berry juice all over his clothes and my floor, I started using ice cubes. This proved to be a magical product for us during the day to ease teething pain and no mess to clean up – except maybe a soggy baby.
Molars: Round 1
Let’s just pause and think about what it might feel like to have a molar erupt from your gums. And not just one, but four, and then oh wait, four more later on! YIKES! No wonder teething can be a crazy time! Along with the mesh feeders, we used the Razbaby Silicone Teethers. My son maneuvered this to the pain points and bit down hard. Even with four front teeth and a molar or two, he never managed to puncture this one. Around the year one molars, my son started to get a SUPER red cheek. Aquaphor became our friend to help ease the chap and protect his poor skin.
Canine Teeth
Use all of the above, drink a glass of wine, and say a prayer. These were by far the worst for my little guy.
Molars: Round 2

Just in case Round 1 was a breeze, you get another chance to experience the molars. Around year two, these guys rear their ugly heads AGAIN. By now I was well versed in my son’s teething signs: red cheek, unexplained crankiness, low grade fever, drool, drool, and more drool! In anticipation, I did research on the best products for molars. That’s when I discovered the Zoli Gummy Stick Massagers. Boy, do I wish I had found these earlier. These were hands down the BEST teething toy we ever used.
You Will Survive
My son’s last tooth finally made it to the surface, so I can confidently say that we survived teething. However, there were many days I wondered when this stage would end. I promise, you, and your little one, WILL survive.
What sanity saving tricks do you have for teething?