
Amanda is a New York girl living in a Texas world. In 2009, she followed her heart to the Lone Star state to Mansfield. She is wife to Timothy, and mother to Ryann and Grey. They love traveling and hunkering down at home with equal passion. Amanda is a speech pathologist by day and the maker of snacks, giver of baths, and the reader of bedtime stories by night. A lover of food and health, she spends an alarming amount of time researching plant-based recipes, experimenting in her perpetually messy kitchen, and of course, subjecting her family to the fruits of her labor. When not portioning out perfectly even snacks, you can find her at Orange Theory Fitness, in the Starbucks drive-thru line, reading anything, daydreaming about date nights, and planning the Fyfe family’s next adventure.

I’ll Love You if Your Instagram Isn’t Pretty

The next time I feel the urge to post on Instagram, I solemnly swear NOT to move my children to the only clean corner of house for the sake of a Pinterest-worthy backdrop. I'll catch the moment right in the heart of the disassembled couch covered in dog hair.
tell the children

What Do We Tell the Children When the World Is on Fire?

When the news of yet another senseless act of violence brings me to my knees, I take a deep breath and remind myself that I am NOT powerless in the face of this chaos, though it feels that way. As a parent, I am the most influential person in my children’s lives. I am their first teacher, their tour guide on this journey. It’s my job to sell this world to them, flaws as all.
Frustrated mother holds her head while holding a screaming baby.

Soothe Your Weary Nipples :: A Lactation Consultant Answers All Your Breastfeeding Questions

Breastfeeding didn’t come easily to me. I fretted about everything: Is she getting enough milk? Why is she nursing so often? Why does it hurt so much when everything I’ve read told me it shouldn’t hurt? Am I eating the right things? Are my boobs destined to look like missiles from now on? In a fit of defeat, I contacted a lactation consultant, and that decision made all the difference in the world.
dance moms

In Defense of the Dance Mom :: Why I Love Living #DanceMom Life

I’m not going to fib -- in the beginning, I hid behind my Kindle with a latte and all but wore a sign proclaiming “I AM NOT ONE OF YOU. DON'T TALK TO ME." But three years in, and I have grown to look forward to Saturday mornings with my fellow dance moms. We look out for one another’s girls.
Moms deserve to celebrate the real milestones in their lives.

The Ultimate Summer Bucket List for Mom

Don’t get me wrong -- I love my children and relish the opportunity to spend our summers together. But filling their buckets is going to be difficult when my bucket is bone dry. And that’s why I have decided to create a summer bucket list for myself, full of those things that feed my soul in a way that makes it possible for me to be the best version of myself.
Walt Disney

Tricks Learned by a Rookie Disney World Vacationer

In spite of my planning, there were a few tricks I learned during our maiden voyage to Lake Buena Vista to make the next trip even smoother. 
girl laughing in grass

When “Truck” Becomes a Four-Letter Word :: A Guide to Speech Sound Development

If you are still noticing many errors and your child isn't easily understood by the time his third birthday rolls around, it may be advisable to consult with a speech pathologist. Alternatively, if most people can understand your two year old at least half the time, he is probably doing just fine!