Pregnant Thoughts on a Second VBAC
You might be a home-birth, medicine-free, labor under the stars kind of super woman, or a "hook me up with that sweet, sweet epidural" powerhouse. Whether you give birth in your bed, a bath, or in the hospital, you and your body are undergoing nothing less than the extraordinary.
The Great Clothing Surrender (Learning to Lose the Insignificant Battles)
I have to ask myself daily: Am I fighting this out of personal preference or because it is shaping her character? If it isn't the latter, it's time to drop it. I will fight for her to learn things like respect, kindness, and empathy, but if my battle is just that, MINE, I'm learning to release my pride and move on.
Broken Motherhood: Surviving Postpartum Psychosis
Studies suggest that nearly 1 in 5 women will suffer from a postpartum mood disorder. If you or someone you know is suffering silently after the birth of a child, here are some ways to start the healing process.
The Best Books (for All Ages) from 2016
2016 brought with it several great new publications for all ages. Here are some read-aloud titles you can pick up at one of the many Fort Worth Public Library locations . . . .
You, Your Child, And the Talk
"Hey kiddo, let's talk about body safety." I've said these words so many times now, I know what's coming. "Do you remember the body safety rules?" Finally she says, "Yes! It's like if a...
Love My Local: East Fort Worth and Surrounding Area
If you look at a boundary map of Fort Worth, you will notice a long eastern arm extending nearly to Irving. This area, with its striking resemblance to a Mid-Cities handshake, is where I...
Things Learned from Turkey and Sushi
A Brand New World
I married into the coolest family. Not many people can say they like their in-laws or they look forward to the family dynamic of Thanksgiving. I am blessed to claim both.