
Raised in Arlington, Diana got her professional start as a financial journalist and quickly transitioned into technical writing. She met her husband Casey—a serial graduate and Fort Worth native—at church in 2011 before he began law school. They married within a year and were both in their 30s when they welcomed Dorothea (2016) and Josephine (2017). When Diana’s not trying free baby-and-me programs around town, she’s jogging on the treadmill or keeping a (somewhat) clean house. She enjoys cooking, traveling, and figuring out this crazy, wonderful new gig of stay-at-home mommy hood.
toddler peeking around corner

The Four-Time HFMD Survivor’s Handbook

HFMD spreads in summer and early fall months, and children ages five and younger are more likely to contract it at daycare and preschool facilities. Read on for symptoms, prevention, and moral support.
TWC Play Therapy

The Together Project :: Help for Sexual Violence Victims in Tarrant County

It’s important to remember that no matter what may have happened, you can help your child begin to heal by simply being a safe person who listens. The best gift you can give your child during this time is to start by believing him or her! Listen to what he or she tells you, and show your support. Affirm and acknowledge what happened and that it was NOT your child's fault.
Empty Frames

Preparing Space for Birth Family :: Early Thoughts on Open Adoption

My ideal open relationship some day in the future looks like birth parents (and even other siblings) coming to my home to share meals, celebrate birthdays and achievements, and mark special occasions. I would love them to occupy picture frames and photo albums around the house, to be regular faces during holidays, and guests at graduation.
TCU Sports

The Sports Fan’s Guide to TCU

When you’re in Fort Worth, you’re in horned frog country. No matter your sport, Texas Christian University (TCU) has a proud legacy and a loyal following for you to enjoy. The Fort Worth Moms Blog has all the tips, tricks, and other info you'll need to ensure a fun, complication-free TCU sports experience. Go frogs!

Drink Your Veggies {Juicing in Three Easy Steps}

With the right tools, juicing is a quick, minimally messy, super easy way to get fresh vitamins and nutrients into my picky toddler -- who would never eat a whole, raw zucchini but has yet to balk at drinking one. It's so easy, in fact, it can be broken down into three steps: assemble, wash, and juice.
single mother on father's day

To My Single Mother on Father’s Day: Thank You.

You cooked and baked with us. You took us fishing. You kept on top of our schoolwork, ensuring we studied and did our projects on time. You taught us to drive a stick-shift car in the empty high school parking lot. You met first dates at the door with a stern, sometimes fumbling, always cautious greeting. You prayed every day for us to have the lives, the education, the relationships, you never did.
Underhand Toilet Paper Roll SM

There’s No Wrong Way to Load the Toilet Paper

I realize an under-hand feed is the visual equivalent to nails on a chalkboard for some, but here's the hard truth: No matter how the paper unrolls, it gets the job done.