
Emily H

Emily H
Although born in Austin, Emily grew up on the Eastside of Fort Worth. After marrying her high school sweetheart, and following the military's whims for a few years, the lovebirds wound up back in the Fort, with their three children in tow. Currently, Emily shares her love of books and writing with both her children and her middle school students. On the weekends, you'll find her outside running local streets and trails, as well as being her kids' biggest fan at whatever sport may be in season.
identical twins

What’s in a Name? {Raising Identical Individuals}

In reality, we all spend much our lives figuring out who we are as individuals. Can you imagine how much harder that must be for a person who is never treated as one? Think for a second: If no one ever called you by your name or knew who you were. People whom you see daily continue to ask, “Which one are you?” Others don’t even bother and just call you both by both names. To deny someone his or her name is to ignore his or her identity.
learn this summer

What I Want My Kids to Learn this Summer

Don't get me wrong, our kids help out around the house a lot -- and do a fair bit for their ages -- but learning NEW skills and chores takes time, energy, and patience that neither children nor adults have left at the end of a school day. Enter summer: a break from the routine and some wiggle room for time is just what we need to allow a LOT of learning this summer.
couple hiking at lake

Beyond Dinner and a Movie :: Active Date Night Ideas

Quick, it's date night. What are you going to do? A nice dinner at a restaurant where you won't see any children (or at least not your own)? A movie? Often, date ideas don't go far past those two tried-and-true options. I mean, they're classic for a reason. But as much as I love a dinner I get to eat while it's hot and a movie that doesn't involve Dory or Poppy, I prefer to indulge in more active date options.
Woman Tying Running Shoe

A Mother. A Runner.

When training for a race, I change my eating, sleeping, and training habits for optimum performance. I do my best to make choices with an eye toward what will help me during the race as opposed to what I may want in the moment. Similarly, I try to parent with an eye toward the type of adults I want my children to become.

Saturday Mornings Are for Daddy

It seems that Daddy time helps them to stay connected, especially if he's been gone, and strengthens their bond. Daddy enjoys setting the pace (significantly more laid back than when I am around) and spending some quality time with the boys when they rely on him instead of on me. The balance of our parenting becomes stronger thanks to my absence.
three boys at Chick-fil-A

Speak Up!

I know that I'm a stronger adult and a better communicator because of experiences like these. I can politely interact with a variety of people, communicate my needs or wants, speak up if something is wrong, and ask the right questions to get information. I want our children to one day have these same skills.
child hiding face

When You See Your Worst in Your Best

The last thing I want for any of my children is to deal with the worry and anxiety that I know too well. I know what it's like to deal with this struggle, and I wanted to make sure we did everything in our power to give our son the tools he would need to handle it for the rest of his life.