Wish You Were Here, Dad
Life is such a clash of grief and joy. Somehow, in the decades since I last held your hand, I sense you teaching me to relish the juxtaposition of laughing through the tears.
What Every Foster Youth Needs from You
What every foster youth needs from everyone is to see him or her in totality, looking beyond behavior.
Middle School Parents :: It’s Too Soon to Panic
A friend once told me that that two hardest seasons in life are your own middle school years and then your children’s. Can I get an amen?
Parenting High Schoolers Through Dating
We discussed the natural feelings of liking someone, handling this by choosing to sit together at lunch, or being part of group gatherings for birthdays or school events.
Teaching Our Kids to Lament
Being intentional to guide our children through lamenting is life skill they need. Lest we overcomplicate this, it’s simply being a safe place where they can talk about their sadness, anger, and fears.
10 Steps to Make a T-Shirt Quilt
Truth is, the making of my first T-shirt quilt was a love-and-hate endeavor. Now that it’s done, I’ll go out on a limb and call it a hobby.
Revolutionary Tweak to Disciplining Teens
Nothing like growing independence, adolescent overconfidence, friendship drama, social media battles, and biological changes to throw a curveball to any sense of mastering discipline.