
Helen met her husband, Devin, while attending grad school in DC. The Maine native willingly moved to Fort Worth, Helen's hometown, in 2009 to settle down and start a family. They have three beautiful girls, Clara, Charlotte, and Milly. She is an independent human capital management consultant (don't ask), which helps provide that much-sought-after rainbow unicorn known as "work-life balance." She can be found working "from home" at Avoca Coffee, practicing and teaching at Indigo Yoga, and running laps around the house with her girls. Her neglected blog covers everything from mommyhood to vocabulary to current events.

Reinventing Date Night

I don't know about you, but since having children, I get about as excited about date night as my daughters do on the eve of their birthday. And no wonder . . . between work, kids' activities,...

The Modern Mama: Your Complete Fall/Winter Guide to Trends in Maternity Wear

Oh, to be pregnant during the fall. Standing on your puffy feet all day drinking O'Douls at tailgates just isn't quite as fulfilling as you imagined it would be. Drinking decaf Pumpkin Spice Lattes doesn't give...

10 Indoor Birthday Party Ideas in Fort Worth

If you were to ask me the best time of year to have a child in Texas, I would tell you the month of February, without missing a beat. I have been lucky enough...

Only YOU Can Prevent Pinterest Stress

If you are anything like me, you initially sauntered onto Pinterest with curiosity and naiveté. Maybe you wanted a place to keep all those wedding and baby room ideas. Or maybe you had heard...

Thinking of Taking Your Child to a Concert? Read This First!

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of taking my 3-year-old to see one of her favorite TV shows live and in person, The Fresh Beat Band. For those of you who don't...

Family Recipes :: Pine Family Christmas Cookies

Growing up in the Pine household, Christmas Day followed the same general pattern every year: wake up early to open stockings and presents, play with our new toys for the first (and often last)...

My Husband, the Nightmare Ninja

My husband and I have been lucky. We have gone over 3.5 years without a single, major nightmare incident. In fact, the only middle-of-the-night interventions we've ever needed since dropping nighttime feedings have been...