THAT Kid? He Needs You.
Remind your kids that bad choices do not equal bad kids, and then begin to steer the conversation towards the things that child does well. Every child has something to praise. Challenge your child to "catch them being good" and give them a compliment when they do!
Fear Not! The Instant Pot :: Freezer Meal Edition {Video Demo}
This kitchen appliance has completely revolutionized the way I cook, and has radically diminished the stress of the after school, feed-the-children-dinner, do-all-the-homework, get-kids-to-sports-practice-madness! In this edition of "Fear Not, The Instant Pot" we will give you a few ideas on how to make your dinner preparation even easier by doing a little prep work in advance.
An Open Letter to American Ninja Warrior
When I first turned on American Ninja Warrior last year, I must admit: We were just hoping to be entertained without having to do too much repair work with our kids afterward. Imagine my surprise when the first ninja fell short of his goal, and lept out of the water with a big ol' grin stretched ear to ear. What a breath of fresh air!
Lyme Disease and Tick Borne Diseases: Early Detection and Prevention Tips
I feel a sense of responsibility to equip my fellow mommas with some early detection tips along with some easy prevention suggestions. It is my hope that, if you tuck this information into the back of your mind, you and your loved ones will be spared from living with Lyme or other tick borne illnesses.
The Ultimate Guide to Teacher’s Freebies and Discounts
It's no secret that we love teachers here at the Fort Worth Moms Blog, but dozens and dozens of businesses love them as well! We have compiled a list of businesses that offer exclusive discounts for teachers to show teachers just how awesome they are.
The Mediocre Mom’s Summer Bucket List
Here I am, friends, a proud Mediocre Mom, bringing you my Mediocre Mom Summer Bucket List. Remember: There are no rules, there is no shopping list, and you can cross as many or as few things off the list as you want (because, let's be real, sometimes Mediocre Moms forget to look at the Bucket List until the last week of the summer).
Tribal Birth: The Importance of Your People
There is something incredibly powerful about being surrounded by a group of friends and family, all working together towards one common goal. Sure, I was the one who was enduring hours and hours of back-to-back contractions, back labor, and sheer exhaustion, but my village stood in the gaps and filled in where I simply could not.