

Krista grew up in Arlington, Texas. While she was in undergrad at Texas Tech she swore she would never return, but after falling in love with her brother’s high school friend, Micah, that plan quickly fell out the window. Two kids later, her family’s roots are deeply planted. Krista spent the first six years of her professional life as a behavioral specialist working with students who faced emotional and psychological challenges, but, after having children, she quickly realized she had a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Since leaving her career in the school district, she has owned three different businesses. She currently spends most of her kid-free time teaching families how to improve their health with natural approaches, as well as empowering mothers to tap into their inner, God-given awesomeness! Although she believes deeply in the importance of living a natural, holistic lifestyle, balance is her number one goal (because, margaritas!!!).

My Kid’s a Loser

The way I was trying to support him was trying to turn my son, who clearly lost, into a fake winner for the sake of his feelings. My words were discrediting the hard work and incredible efforts of the other five children who beat him by twisting the facts. I was subconsciously telling him that I was only proud of him if he was, indeed, a winner. I was trying to keep my kid from being a loser.
Patio Dining

Top 10 Family-Friendly Patio Restaurants in Tarrant County

Whether you are a fan of the crazy roller coaster that is Texas weather or not, it's hard to deny that our weather brings some insanely gorgeous opportunities for a Saturday afternoon on the patio. Now that I have kids, my patio criteria has changed just a tad, and we have discovered some excellent restaurants where we can ALL be happy (including our sweet little pup!)
The Pink Paint Rule

The Pink Paint Rule {and the Importance of Trust}

Pink paint. Pink acrylic paint. On the carpet in copious quantities. Trust me on this one, it is about as miserable it as it sounds. However, this isn't really a story about carpet, and it isn't really...
Instant Pot Kitchen Appliance

The Instant Pot Simplified: Tips, Tricks, and Recipes to Get You Started

Unless you have been living under a rock off of social media, you have heard rumors of this magical creation called the Instant Pot. If you haven't seen this appliance work its magic, you probably...

How to REALLY “Make America Great Again”: Making Politics an Every Day Discussion

True statement: This is still the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave. This is still the America we love so dearly and the country that will provide hopes and dreams for generations...

Fear: Does It Do a Child Good?

Two and a half years ago, I received some devastating news. I had chronic Lyme disease. The fatigue, muscle pain, joint stiffness, sudden onset food allergies, and forgetfulness was not just a result of...

10 Kitchen Hacks that Will Rock Your World

If you are anything like me, much of your day is spent in the kitchen. I birthed these adorable little creatures who have a constant need for ridiculous things like being FED. Three times...