Lauren T

Lauren T
Lauren moved to Texas from Maryland in 2010. She has made Fort Worth her home and loves the area! She's a single mom to her son Henry, who is on the Autism Spectrum. She works in a Fort Worth pediatric dental office, and she enjoys running, hiking, and being involved in the community. Lauren is the leader for Moms of Kids with Differences and Disabilities, as well as Southwest Fort Worth Moms.
Attend pride month events in Fort Worth.

Celebrate LGBTQ Pride Month Together :: A Family Friendly Pride Guide for North Texas

Whether you are a member of the LGBTQ community, an ally, or a believer that love is love, there are a handful of upcoming events that will be celebratory, supportive, and, most of all, fun!
mother and child holding a heart

How I Decided that One Child Is Enough

There seems to be a negative stigma associated with being an "only child." They grow up without live-in playmates, or they are more self-centered because they don't learn to share parent attention with a sibling
mother helping son ride a bike

Children with Developmental Delays

If your child is developmentally delayed, he/she is on his own milestone timeline, and should not be compared to other children the same age, or even other children with the same diagnosis.

Make a Healthy Meal-Replacement Smoothie in Minutes

There is a formula to making a meal-replacement smoothie that will save you from the recipe hunt. Every smoothie can be made with five to six ingredients while being healthy, delicious, and satisfy your hunger.
Spend Valentines Day with your son.

6 Ways to Celebrate When Your Valentine Is Your Kid

I can't think of a single person in the world who loves me more than my son, and I can think of 100 activities that sound way more creative, heart-warming, and fun than sitting in a busy restaurant out of celebratory obligation.