They Are Watching :: Ways to Be a Role Model in Stressful Situations
Before I said anything, I caught a glimpse of my kids and the grand. Their faces showed the same emotions that mine did with uncertainty of what to do. They were watching me.
Understanding Domestic Abuse in North Texas
Remember you cannot make someone leave an abusive relationship. If your force an intervention, you may be putting someone in a more volatile situation.
Life Skills :: Education Outside the Classroom
They need to know life skills, like how to sort the clothes, run both the washer and dryer, and even how to iron. It’s a bonus if they can sew on a button or make a quick repair.
Discipline Varies Over Time
The reality is the different rules didn’t hurt anyone. None of these rules were dangerous (stinky, but not dangerous). You learn to adjust.
Your Rainbow Baby :: All Feelings Are Okay
This is your story, and it’s personal. Some will find it healing to talk about it, and some will never mention it. And that’s okay.
Simplify Dinner :: {FREE} Meal Planning Template
Dinner sounds like an easy enough thing, but so much goes into it. Do you have all the ingredients? Did you remember to set meat out to thaw? Do you have time to make it? Moms have to answer these questions every day.