Enjoy the sweet memories of snuggling on the couch and bedtime kisses but appreciate the independent, free-thinker you are raising.
No Tears in the Drop-Off Line
My argument was that it's absolutely healthy for parents to have an emotional response as their children progress through the various stages of development. Parents aren't sad their children are growing up. Instead it's a longing for the days when their sweet baby nestled his or her head under their chin to settle down for a nap. There is an awareness that those moments are gone.
28 Lessons from My Father
Although my dad is no longer on this earth, I still like to think of ways to honor him. I'd like to share some of the wisdom he passed on that guides me throughout life, and that I'm passing on to my son.
Gray Hair, Don’t Care!
As much as I still loved my kinky hair, I was embarrassed. When other women would give me a compliment on a style, instead of saying thank you, I would say "but this gray, ugh" or "this gray is killing me" followed by a review of all the products I'd tried, as if I needed to prove to them I was trying to cover this unruly, unsightly mess.