12 Myths About Foster Care
There are many misconceptions about foster care. It can be a daunting commitment, but when armed with truths and facts, you may find it's something worth exploring.
What Is Foster Care, and How You Can Help
The more exposure I gain to foster care, the more I realize how many widely held misconceptions exist about foster care. Whether about the purpose of foster care, who foster kids are, or the needs within the community, these misconceptions tend to keep people at a distance, leading to inaction.
Five Reasons Why We Skipped Fertility Treatments
Given the severity of my endometriosis, our odds for successful fertility treatment, even IVF, are not great. We knew that as long as we continued trying to become pregnant, we would be delaying our acceptance of the fact that it might never happen. I would know better than to get my hopes up, but they would sneak up on me anyway, and each failure would be a crushing blow.
Planning the “Oops, I Forgot Your Birthday” Party
I'm sure I am not the first mom to forget my kid's birthday, and I probably won't be the last. I've rounded up a few tips to help other moms who, like me, are well-intended but find themselves scrambling to plan a party at the last minute.
Three Things I Wish I Knew Before Becoming a Stepmom
I am fortunate to be the stepmom to a really cool kid, but the last five years have been challenging for reasons I did not anticipate. Had I known what to expect, I probably would have changed my strategy.
To My Unlikely Friend :: A Letter to My Former Foster Son’s Mom
Rather than viewing me as a threat, you embraced me. You acknowledged my motherhood, understanding your motherhood was not diminished by mine. You saw enough room for both of us to exist in the same space, and that may be the greatest gift I have ever received.
Redefining Self-Care :: One Mama’s Journey to Healthier Habits
Every mama I know works tirelessly to take care of a number of things, both in and out of the house. Her standards are high when it comes to the care of her family, and she often meets or exceeds them. But most whom I know forget or neglect to take care of themselves, often leaving their tanks on "E."