Memaw Dillard’s Sourdough Bread
Recently, I was standing in the kitchen cooking one of my Memaw's signature dishes. As I pulled it out of the oven, I was hit with such a familiar smell that I started to...
Halloween Costumes for the DIY Impaired
I am what you would call "Do-it-Yourself Impaired." As in, I've never met a craft I couldn't mess up. Yet, I am still on Pinterest. Why, you ask? Because I want to be good...
Freedom in the Stretch Marks: A Journey in Healing
Motherhood is so rewarding. Motherhood is such a gift. These phrases are so frequently interjected into conversation, but what do they really mean? When I have moved past the point caffeine can help to...
Let Them Have Their “Things”: How We Encourage Thriving Child-Grandparent Relationships
In Nena's house, there was a chicken-shaped candy dish filled with an assortment of fun-size Hershey's bars. I remember waiting until she wasn't looking to sneak a piece (okay, two). Not wanting to get...
Dog-Friendly & Foodie Approved
I might be a little biased, but I believe Fort Worth has some of the finest (and most unique) cuisine options in the country. And while there are lots of patio options that welcome...
Showing the Heart of Discipline
In a sad, teary voice, my two-year-old daughter looked up at me and said, "Mommy, don't use the loud voice. Loud voice is mean." And she was 100 percent right. And my heart broke....
First Date Jitters, Mommy Style
I was never really any good at dating. First dates stressed me out immensely. I never really knew what to wear, whether to have him pick me up or meet somewhere, what subjects to...