Some children don’t take to the pacifier. But for those of you that do have "pacified" children, you know that taking it away is and will be no easy feat. I’m here to tell you they will survive and...
I know there are a lot of factors at play here, but I truly believe that finding a sleep training method that works for both you AND your baby, creating and implementing a nap and bedtime routine, and sticking to the training method you choose can make all the difference in your baby's sleeping success.
Protect your face. It is singular that no one has yet to invent a face shield for co-sleeping parents. It would need to be clear, of course, so you can see your innocent offspring nestled so close, and yet durable so you don't have to explain a black eye. Until this product is available, you will want to familiarize yourself with the brace-for-impact position.
Losing that nursing bond feels strangely like mourning, like you're giving up being her Mommy as your lactation shuts down. You feel betrayed by your breasts, and guilty for taking the vacation, for leaving your daughter behind, and for getting so wrapped up in the move across town. You feel ashamed for not having better prepared her for this.
And now you are stuck in transition between breast and bottle -- desperate to move forward because there is no going back.
Donor human milk is precious, lifesaving nourishment for premature and critically ill infants. Here at Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas we work with 600 to 650 donor moms each year who donate their excess breast milk, allowing us...
When you become a mother you are automatically pushed into the middle of the breast-fed verses formula-fed debate. Which is better for baby? Which makes you a better mother?
The answer is neither of them does.
What’s best for your baby...
The last time he latched, I cried out in pain and saw his mouth full of blood. I knew right then I couldn't do it. I cried and cried and cried. The pain was unbearable. It pained me knowing my baby was basically starving. Instead of visiting another lactation consultant, I enlisted the help of my sister-in-law. At the time, she was exclusively pumping for my nephew after having similar issues.