Are Lash Extensions Worth It?

Are lash extensions worth the hassle and price?They say life’s not fair.

Well, I agree because I have brown hair, not to mention plenty of DARK stray chin and neck hairs, yet somehow my eyelashes are BLONDE.

On top of my eyelash invisibility, both of my eyelash sets have their own stubborn personality, and if one set is willing to be curled in the torture chamber of an eyelash curler, the other is certain to revolt and go all over the place.

To add insult to injury, it’s almost impossible for me to find mascara that doesn’t make my eyes terribly itchy or melt in the summer! I hate taking the time to put mascara on and even worse, to take it off!

So early last summer I bit the bullet and got lash extensions and have kept them since.

Lash extensions are fake eyelashes that are glued to your own lashes (God wiling by a professional) in little groups that are together at the root and fan out at the top. Most women only get them on their top lashes. They come in different lengths and diameters, you can ask to have them thicker or thinner, and they can even be in different colors. 

Here’s what I’ve learned about lash extensions:

The Pros of Lash Extensions

Wake up with makeup! Since my first pregnancy almost 10 years ago, I haven’t worn makeup regularly. But when I have lash extensions I feel like I wake up “put together” even though I’m not wearing makeup and probably won’t put any on. 

Save time morning and night. You don’t put mascara on lash extensions but instead simply care for them by quickly brushing them with a dry mascara wand. I believe you are supposed to blow dry them after they get wet also, but I only have once. I can’t say enough how I love not putting on mascara on in the mornings and really love not having to take it off at night!

Look more feminine. Lash extensions make lashes longer, darker (unless you already have dark lashes obviously), and fuller. So having extensions automatically makes me feel more feminine, which I love.

The Bad

Extensions aren’t cheap. Prices vary greatly, but depending on where you have your extensions done the initial cost of having extensions put on is easily $150-$300. After that you’ll probably want to go back ever week or two (although you may not have to go that often if your lashes stay on really well). Each “fill” appointment may cost between $30-$75.

I try to have a fill every 10 days to two weeks. My wonderful lash artist charges me $30 for 30 minutes. I don’t like my lashes super thick so my appointments are half the time that many people schedule. If you decide to have your lashes removed, that will cost you, too. On top of paying what your lash artist charges, it’s also considerate to tip.

You gotta keep them up. This part can really be a challenge. You must see your lash artist regularly for lash fill appointments or your lashes will likely start looking pretty rough and distracting to anyone looking at your face. As time goes on your fake lashes fall out and if you go too long between fills you may look pretty crazy with large gaps between your lashes.

If you miss your appointment, you may be out of luck. Some lash artists are BOOKED full much of the time. I have my fill appointments booked until the middle of fall already. All that to say, if I have to miss an appointment it may not be easy, or even possible to reschedule. Before choosing a lash artist you may want to check to his or her availability.

No more easy sleeping. It took me like six months to master how to sleep all night without sleeping on my lash extensions and potentially messing them up. Unless I’m sleeping on my back I have to sleep on the very end of my pillow while I lay on my side so that my eyes don’t touch my pillow. And I had to train myself to do this subconsciously all night, even when I move around in my sleep! After training myself to do this I felt like I deserved a medal or to be a contestant on America’s Got Talent or something. 

Beauty is pain. I don’t mind at all, probably because I’m used to the feeling of plucking all kinds of sensitive facial hairs, but it can sting a little when you get your extensions filled and your lash artist first has to pull out some of your grown out, fake lash extensions.

The elements are not your friend. When it’s super windy, I do feel my lashes may blow away, although thankfully they never have. I also have to wear sunglasses that give me enough “lash space.” And I am much more careful in the shower as to how hard I wash my face. After the shower I make sure to dry and brush my lashes properly. (They almost sound like a little pet!)

I love having my lash extensions because I feel so much more feminine and put together with them on. BUT eyelash beauty comes with a high price (and I’m not just talking $$). I definitely don’t think lash extensions are for everyone, but they can sure be wonderful for the right people!  

Proud to be raised in Burleson (shout out Kelly Clarkson), Jami was even the Elk mascot for her beloved Burleson High School. Jami's greatest pleasure comes from exploring the world and learning about all the beautifully unique people in it, so she started a business in the summer of 2021 taking groups of women around the world! Her business, Women Exploring the World has already taken women to experience Christmas markets in Bruges, Brussels; Paris, and London. They've also taken women to Costa Rica, Italy, Tanzania/Zanzibar, Scotland, and to Norway to see the Northern lights. Jami's greatest gift is her family, Corban, her beloved hubby; Jessy (born 2011); Maggy (born 2013); Lilly (born 2015); and Jude (born 2018). Besides running her travel business, Jami spends her days having adventures with her kids, homeschooling them part-time, assistant coaching PE, attempting to keep her brother and sister labradors out of trouble, keeping her son from killing their cat, and supporting her husband at his Edward Jones office downtown Fort Worth. Jami is a woman secure in God's love for her. He is her first love.


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