What's In Your Bag?

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I love doing link-ups.  It’s one of my favorite ways to find out more about bloggers I read about and discover new bloggers too!  US Weekly Mag does this feature and I always like reading what the celebrities carry with them in their bags.  It’s quite interesting sometimes.

So I thought I’d share what’s it MY bag, so if you want to link up and show us what crazy stuff you are carrying around, go for it!  Just don’t show us a dirty diaper okay?

I did this link up awhile back on my blog and it’s funny to see how things in our purses change with our lives.  Maybe you can find what is still hanging around in my bag and some stuff I’ve gotten rid of.


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One of my favorite things to get as a gift is a purse.  My husband knows this and he’s gotten me many over our last (almost) 12 years of marriage.  Also, a purse always fits right?  Currently I’m carrying the Longchamp “Le Pliage” tote.  Honestly, I’d never heard of them until we visited Paris and it seemed like everyone walking on the streets was carrying one.  Thus began my love affair with Longchamp bags.  I like them because they are lightweight and easy to haul stuff in.

  • My Maybook day planner.  I cannot live without this.  I know we are in a day and age where people use their cell phones for everything, but I still like to write stuff down.
  • Cell phone: I may be the only person on planet Earth without an iPhone, but I love my Droid 🙂
  • Bloggy business cards or “hello” cards.  If you are a blogger you should always carry some with you.  You never know who you’ll meet and can share your info with!
  • Sunglasses and sunglasses case (I scratch mine up, so a case is a must)
  • Lens wipes.  They are great at cleaning your cell phone screen too!
  • Emergen-C, Aleve, & Antibacterial wipes (germophobe I know)
  • Icecubes IceBreakers Gum.  I love the grape flavor and they recently came out with black cherry. Yum.
  • Keys
  • Flash drive.  Trust me…you never know when you’ll need it until you don’t.
  • Shout Wipes.  I’m always spilling ketchup on myself, yet it only happens when I wear a white top???
  • Chevron makeup bag from Maven in Fort Worth.  $8 for entire thing, including monogram!
  • Tarte LipSurgence.  The best thing you will ever put on your lips.
  • I love some bling bling!  I carry all my moolah in the sparkly pouch, which happens to be on sale right now at SassySteals again for $10.99.  I love this because if I need to run in somewhere I just grab this small bag instead of my entire purse.  It also has a fun leopard lining on the inside.


Okay moms, now it’s YOUR turn! What’s in your bag?

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  1. Fun! I don’t carry a purse, only a diaper bag with my wallet tucked inside. So in my bag there are a HUGE thing of wipes (I have messy kids), daipers for the little one, a change of clothes for each (messy kids remember?), random small toys, snacks, two sippy cups when we are out, sunscreen, EOG chapstick, mini boo-boo kit (band-aids, neosporin spray, hydrochortizone cream – mosquitoes love my family), my wallet, MANY other random things, and the kitchen sink.

    How would I “Link Up” Becky? I am a novice at these?

  2. I don’t have an iphone either – I have a blackberry for work 🙂 Kate Spade makes cute cases for blackberries. I also have business cards, three types of lipstick/lip gloss (loving Maybelline Coral Crush!), a mini umbrella, check book, wallet, Chanel Double Perfection for touch ups, hair brush, wipes for the kids and what seems like 50 pens. I also have a random fork in there. And I’m currently carrying a white Kate Spade (adventurous for having kids, I know). On weekends I’ll throw my wallet in a diaper bag and ditch the purse.


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