Life's Too Short to Hate Your Workout

We live in Cowtown, and everyone, everywhere is buzzing about THE Cowtown.  You know, the marathon that happened yesterday?  I have some awesome friends that trained for the half or the full, and I was excited for them.  One of the most fun things I’ve ever done is cheer for someone running a marathon(you should try it some time if you haven’t).  I’m proud of their grit and patience in running those weekly long runs.  Nursing those feet and hamstrings.  Pushing that jogging stroller.  You might be one of them, and I’d love to hear from you in the comments on how you did yesterday, because YOU ARE AWESOME.

But let me tell you, as much as I have wanted to be a runner and even might have been considered one during parts of my life, I feel like I’m at a place now where I can admit honestly: I can’t STAND running!

I’ve felt that post-run high, but the amount of boredom I feel when I am running is just too much.  There.  I said it.  It bores me.

After my first baby, I had a hard time finding a way to get back in shape.  A full-time job, a full-time husband, and a full-time baby were my excuse, but really, I was not motivated by the exercise opportunities around me.  A video provided me no accountability, my gym didn’t have childcare, running (wronging), etc.  So I did nothing, which was the worst option.

About four months after my second baby, I heard about Pure Barre Fort Worth (which I talked a little about here) and checked it out.  I’m now a religious attendee of classes there.  It’s been an investment; it’s been an investment in ME.  My husband is finding it totally worth it for more than one reason!

studio selfie

Pure Barre Fort Worth has been running a contest alongside the Olympics the past few weeks that has me checking-in on Facebook daily.  Because I usually attend an early class, I’ve had a ton of remarks from friends about how dedicated I am or how they couldn’t imagine getting up that early to go.  When I really thought about it though, my answer were eye-opening to me.  I don’t think I’m dedicated, I just love it!  And if I don’t get up that early, I don’t get to go.  Plain and simple.  Many nights my husband works just late enough that I can’t attend an evening class, and on the nights that he isn’t, I fiercely guard those for family time.  Don’t get me wrong–occasionally I have overslept, or the baby (and therefore, I) have a rough night so I just can’t get up.  There’s grace there.

All of this is to say that a year ago, I couldn’t have dreamed that I would drag myself out of bed for a workout before dawn.  I’m not an athlete.  The idea of working out doesn’t sound like a fun thing to me, but I have found MY thing.  My thing that has brought me back under baby weight.  My thing that is making me physically and mentally stronger daily.  And if I had found it earlier, it’s a thing that I could/would have done over my lunch hour when I was working.

Your thing is out there too.  Keep searching for it if you haven’t found it yet!

If you have found it, what is it? What motivates you to get up early, or go during your lunch break?

Emily G
Emily is married to Brad and mother of the handsome Jack and precious Annabelle. After more than a decade as a software engineer (two of those as a working mother), she cleaned out her cubicle and can be found most days at one of the beautiful parks Cowtown has to offer, without a WiFi hotspot in range. These days, Emily spends her time exploring our fair city with her babes in tow, volunteering at her church, cheering on the Fightin' Texas Aggies, and shopping her way through DFW at large. You'll find her journaling her daily life at Being Mrs. Gentry.


  1. After reading so many testimonials (yours included) I’m hooked as well! With my work and family schedule, the timing to go (to anywhere outside the home) is just not there. But it’s a great workout for sure, and the DVDs I’ve tried are excellent!
    (I do still miss running–but I always had to listen to podcasts to keep me from being bored!)


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