Potty Training & Pelvic Floor Health :: Momfessions Podcast :: Episode 69

Disclaimer :: This episode is brought to you by Genesis PT & Wellness.The relationship between pelvic floor health and toilet training

Beth and Emily visit with Dr. Lea Feghali to discuss how potty training impacts pelvic floor health — yes, pelvic floor habits for our littles. It is truly a fascinating conversation. Emily also shares about her daughter’s pelvic floor therapy journey.

This needs to be a topic we discuss openly as many kids struggle with bed wetting, leaking, and more. So, if you’re cool with pee and poo, this episode is for you.

There are SO MANY resources referenced in this episode!

You can read the article “Good Potty Training Habits :: Prevent Constipation and Bowel Problems” by Dr. Feghali on the Fort Worth Moms website.

The Day I Learned How to Use the Potty Activity Book by Dr. Feghali is divided into a pre-training and potty training phase. Her goal is to educate parents and children about body sovereignty, sensory awareness, good bladder and bowel habits, and proper toilet positioning before moving on to the potty training phase. This will ultimately help prevent constipation and incontinence later on and allow the child to listen to his or her body and use the restroom without pressure to be prompted or please an adult.

The storybooks and activity books can be purchased through Dr. Lea’s website or Genesis PT & Wellness clinics.

Genesis PT & Wellness helps kid with pelvic floor problems, such as constipation and bed wetting.Genesis PT & Wellness is a holistic pelvic floor therapy practice including a team of specialty physical, occupational, and massage therapists. Therapists have completed advanced coursework and training in pelvic health for females, males, and children. Specialties include pregnancy related aches and pains, preparation for labor and delivery, postpartum rehabilitation, pelvic floor dysfunction in both women and men, chronic pain, and pediatric pelvic health and potty training. Genesis PT & Wellness’ passion is to come alongside you on your journey to health, wellness, and optimal function in your day-to-day life. The therapists strive to change the way pelvic floor therapy is presented, understood, and utilized throughout all stages of life. Follow Genesis PT & Wellness on Facebook and Instagram

Dr. Lea Feghali is a pelvic floor specialist.Dr. Lea Feghali is a pediatric pelvic floor specialist. She has helped many Genesis PT & Wellness children overcome their bladder and bowel problems. Most of the patients she treats suffer from nighttime wetting (enuresis), daytime wetting, soiling accidents (encopresis), constipation, or other voiding dysfunctions.

Follow Dr. Feghali on Instagram. Follow the book, The Day I Learned book series on Instagram and Facebook.

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