Disclaimer :: The writer is not a medical professional, and the information and opinions presented in this article are based on her experience and personal research and not of Fort Worth Moms or City Mom Collective.
Sometimes life simply throws us curveballs. For whatever reason, in adulthood I’ve had several situations in which I have absolutely needed medical intervention to help me survive and endure. It has been challenging to have to continue taking medication past what my mind conceived as the “intervention period.” Unfortunately, though, I HAVE had to continue meds when I didn’t want them anymore. Such a bummer to have to go through! I know there are others like me out there, too!
This piece isn’t meant to cover all the possible ways medication and emotions interact. However, it IS meant to draw awareness. If it is something you’ve never considered, I hope that you do now. Because, for better or for worse, this has been a truth in my life, and I imagine some of you nodding vigorously in agreement.
The Whole Person
Drugs impact us physically and emotionally. Our minds and bodies cannot be separated; we are the WHOLE thing. Medicine changes us, for better and for worse. If we do not stop to consider the cost and the benefit, we risk walking through years of our lives not functioning at our best. We risk life-altering shifts in our personalities or our bodies.
Finding this balance is challenging when you are already enduring a difficult medical issue! Please, pause to breathe. Pause to take in the fact that there are many of us out there facing these decisions!
Medications that can affect our bodies and mind include (but aren’t limited to):
- pain relievers, both preventative and abortive
- antidepressants and anxiety medications
- ADHD medications
- migraine medications
- chronic pain medication
- birth control or infertility medication
- and others I haven’t thought about!
You’re in Charge
You are in power here, ladies. Yes, YOU! You get to decide the healthy balance your body and soul needs. For those who suffer with various physical issues, you’ve got to get your body functioning while not losing that spark in your personality. It’s a difficult line to ride, and it’s not spoken about very often. But honestly, too many of us have either lost years suffering greatly at the advice of a medical professional or lived a zombie-like existence catering to physical pain with meds and losing their pizzazz. Depression is frequently induced by medication! Mood swings, hello! Doctors warn us of this, but I think sometimes we are hasty to solve a physical issue and don’t really care about their warning.
One thing to consider: When you feel silenced, whether that’s by a doctor or a loved one, something is very wrong. Don’t suffer in silence. Say your piece! If the balance between meds and emotions feels funky, then please speak that truth. Find people who listen to you and give you dignity. Those of us who are many years into diagnoses that require medication such as this can attest to this. And we want newbies learning from our mistakes! The most important thing is to trust your gut. You know YOU better than any doctor or well-meaning family member.
Practice Your Rights
It may be true that you can’t completely eliminate your issue medicinally without impacting your emotions. Those are rare circumstances, I believe (depending on the severity of the issue at hand). But you DO have power and choice here. You have a voice. If someone isn’t listening to your concerns about this imbalance, go somewhere else. We are blessed to live in an area rich with brilliant doctors. Practice those rights you have and move on! Roll out!
The goal isn’t perfection. Medication management can’t achieve this. Heck, even without meds we are all far from that. The goal is to give your heart, mind, emotions, and body the right balance. You need relief yet you need to also be able to just be you.
Listening to Yourself as a Priority in Achieving Balance
I think there is a tendency to belittle our own issues, moms. We are accustomed to putting others first. We CAN fight through, so we DO. When in actuality, there is usually more we can do to actively help ourselves. Mostly — believe yourself. You’re more than worth the effort and energy it takes to get this balance right! Don’t deny what is happening to you, emotionally or physically. Someone else’s opinion about you and your body is never worth more than your own.
You’re in charge of you, strong mamas! Say what you need to say and know that I’m saying prayers for you today — prayers for that best medication management for all my mama peers out there! There is always, ALWAYS hope.
I believe that, in general, we seem to all have a built-in pendulum effect and swing toward our greatest need. And truly, WE need to be taken care of before we can love on our precious children.
We CAN become our most optimal self: body, mind, and heart. Keep hoping and find the doctors who give you hope, too!