Most Popular FWMB Posts of 2015

We’ve scanned our data, studied the analytics, and crunched the numbers. (Okay, it really isn’t that hard, but it sounds so snazzy.) We are HAPPY to present (er, re-present) the Fort Worth Moms Blog topics you most loved in 2015. In no particular order, the most popular posts!

The Season of Slow? DSC_0543-300x199— “There is time for all of our big dreams. There’s time to be creative. There’s time to see the world . . . but right now . . . it’s a time for flip flops and yoga pants and dance parties to Zumba youtube videos in the playroom. It’s time to use my hard earned theatre degree to make my kids giggle their faces off at B.J. Novak’s new book.”

photo-9-300x225Don’t Judge a Life by Its Facebook — “I see a status of someone that served her kiddos blueberry gluten free pancakes with a side of homemade strawberry preserves, cleaned out their laundry room, and built a ladder for their new toddler bunkbeds out of upcycled pallets all before 10:00 a.m., and all I want to do is take a nap.”

Fort Wkid-friendly-restaurants-1024x768orth Kid-Friendly Restaurants — “Family date nights for us are nice because, honestly, my son likes to eat early and my husband and I don’t eat until after he’s gone to bed, so it seems like going out on weekends is the only time we all eat together as a family. It’s important for the experience to be fun for everyone.”

4-001-300x200-2It’s Okay to Be an Only
— “It’s okay to be an only. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. You are not missing anything, and you are not less than anyone. You will grow up to be a fully functional adult despite the fact that you are sibling-less.”

image-300x300When Grandparents Live Far Away — “Thank goodness for technology! What did people in this situation do before Skype and Face Time? However, these seemingly quick and easy media tools can be quite challenging with a toddler. Mealtimes are a great time to use technology. The toddler is contained (BIG key factor), and he is engaged in an activity – eating! We have enjoyed many Skype dinners with Nana and Pappy.”

IMG_1669-229x300What I Want My Daughters to Know About Their Parents — “We know that you will – as we have – someday look back at your life and find the flaws of our parenting to be blatant, and we hope that you will have the graciousness to understand that anything that we did, we did to keep you safe and healthy because that is our purpose as your parents. We make up every day as we go, and we do so with the best of intentions.”

Best-Hot-Chocolate-in-Fort-worth-300x300Best Hot Chocolate in Fort Worth! — “Whether you are 4, 44, or 84, hot chocolate will put a smile on your face. Luckily, we have some pretty spectacular venues to enjoy that delicious cup. The big question is . . . whether you are a marshmallow on top sort of person or do you want your hot chocolate mounded with fresh whipping cream?”

IMG_0616-300x300Mama on a Mission // An Open Letter to Businesses that Do Not Have Changing Tables — “Just one single solitary place for a mama to place her sweet, albeit smelly, baby to change a diaper. It’s difficult enough for us to leave the house with all of our baby accoutrements. I cannot speak for all moms, but I leave my house resembling a pack mule. I move carefully and slowly out to my car. One false move and I drop something — my water bottle, the diaper bag, the sippy cup, my keys, or, God forbid, the baby. (The baby has yet to be dropped, by the way.) But my point here is that I work hard to be prepared. And yet, my boy-scout-level preparedness is all for naught if you do not have a changing table.”

SuperMama-300x300I Am Not Super Mama — “I don’t know when it all changed and having a nanny became a bit taboo. Traditionally, women have had help around the house. Not all mothers, of course. Laura Ingalls Wilder’s mother, Caroline, had absolutely no help while raising her four children and managing life as a pioneer woman; but I think she’s the exception, not the rule.”

Abuse-blog-image-200x300How to Protect Your Children from Sexual Abuse — “Teaching children not to trust unfamiliar adults may do more harm than good. Not only does it ignore the fact that strangers can be helpful (I’m teaching my son to find “a mom with kids” if he ever gets lost), but also it creates a false sense of security. Ninety percent of child sexual abuse cases are perpetrated by a person the victim knows, 60 percent are perpetrated by a person the victim’s family knows and trusts, and approximately one-third of cases are committed by persons under the age of 18.”


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