How I Stumbled Across Couponing

Coupon ImageI remember clipping coupons as a child for my mother. I HATED it. I would cut crooked lines and sometimes chop off the bar codes for the coupons just to show my mom who was boss… then she showed me by grounding me. She always told me that we were saving money with these things, but I just saw it as child labor.

This memory stuck with me for a while, and I avoided coupons thinking they weren’t really helpful with what I actually wanted to buy. That is until it just didn’t make sense anymore not to use them. Coupons and savings are everywhere these days. I’m not sure if it’s a sudden burst of maturity in financial responsibility by having kids or what, but I am on the hunt now more than ever for a great deal.

My biggest and hardest stumble was at Target. I cannot avoid it because I can literally walk there from home, and they have everything you might need (need? ok want.) because everything in there is so dang cute. It all started with “would you like to sign up for a red card or link your debit card for 5% back every time you shop?” I ignored this question many times before because I didn’t want another store credit card to worry about…but then I started thinking. If I can connect my debit card, then that means I don’t have to worry about applications or interests rates. It makes absolutely no sense at all not to get 5% back on every purchase. So I did it and the process took 5 minutes. Not only do I save in store, but also when I shop online I get the same deal plus free shipping with no minimum!

Cartwheel-summaryThen there is the glorious Cartwheel by Target app that I use on my phone. It has special Target deals that are not found anywhere else and you can use coupons, in-store sales and your Red Card savings on top off them! When you go to check out, you just have the cashier scan a bar code on your phone and viola, SAVINGS. Again, this is for stuff I use, like cleaning supplies, grocery, office supplies, etc. It wouldn’t make sense to avoid these savings.

Now my eyes are open and it’s almost like a game to me. When Black Friday and Cyber Monday rolled around, I was ready with my gift cards and coupons ready to take on deals and steals. I scored an Erin Condren Planner using an online coupon code with a gift card from our Moms Night Out event and free Christmas cards from Shutterfly with a coupon I got when checking out at Target (I just love Target).

I really don’t shop a lot or like to spend money, and that is probably why I like couponing. I like to save on things I need and/or really, really want if at all possible. You won’t find me on Extreme Couponing…. Just yet anyway. I would still consider myself a novice but I enjoy seeing the savings to keep my family healthy and thriving.

Do you have any couponing secrets or rituals to save on things you need and want?

Isis and her husband, Lee, are owners of enduraLAB, Fort Worth’s first endurance gym and proud parents to Jack and Isla. Isis blogs about her running adventures, which coincidentally involve chasing after her 2 year old, on her blog called The Running Couple. If you don’t catch her at the gym or on the trails, she is reading books with the babe, painting her nails with bright colors or cooking up paleo meals for the fam. She is a bit of a social butterfly, so follow her on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and join her Facebook Group - Fort Worth Moms.


  1. I was determined this year to save money and be more sensible about purchases, this includes groceries. I plan our weekly meals with my sons input. We make a list of the groceries needed and then we clip coupons. I head to the store once a week by myself. So far this has worked for us. I have been on 2 shopping trips. The first trip I saved $16.00 in coupons. My second trip I saved $18.00 in coupons. The money I am saving in coupons is being put back into an account for this summers activities like skating, the water park, or the trampoline park for my son. To tell you the truth, I could not believe how much I have saved each week. I know I have just begun, I just wish I would have done this a lot sooner. Live and Learn… 🙂


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