Spring Cleaning Your Closets

An organized closet feels fresh, airy, and clean, just in time for Spring.Ah, springtime. When fresh rain showers wake up the garden buds, and we start thinking about spring cleaning. It’s time to freshen up our inside environment to match the outside, and the best place to start, in my opinion, is the wardrobe.

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When to Spring Clean

Anytime is a great time to declutter. It doesn’t have to be springtime. For the last few years, my spring cleaning has started at the beginning of Lent, usually in February. During this time, I have adopted the ritual of  taking an item a day out of my house and putting it in a bag to donate, so that at the end of the 40 days of Lent, I have 40 items to give to someone in need.

This is a great way to do something good as well as declutter your home. I typically donate to local charities like Mission Arlington, but a fellow Fort Worth Mom mentioned utilizing buy nothing groups on Facebook. These are a great place to share with your community and neighborhood. 

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The Wardrobe

Dress shirts hang up in a crowded closet.

For me, I begin with my closet because I feel overwhelmed when it is cluttered. First, I find articles of clothing that don’t fit me anymore. I used to hold onto items thinking I would lose weight and wear them again, but I found that I had A LOT of pieces that didn’t fit. Now, I might keep one item as a piece for setting goals, and donate the rest.

Next, I dig out the clothing that was gifted to me that doesn’t fit my personal style. If I’m not confident wearing that item, I donate it.

I have also started Marie Kondo’s method of holding something and, if it doesn’t bring me joy, letting it go. When I first heard about this method several years ago, I’ll admit, I thought it sounded silly. Yet, I was intrigued and watched Tidying Up on Netflix, just to see what all the fuss was about. Sure enough, I tried the method out and discovered that it is so much simpler to let things go when I ask myself if they bring me joy. 

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Next Up: Kids Closets

Once I’ve completed my own closet, I  get my kiddos involved in thinning out their wardrobes. I could do it for them, but I feel they should learn the importance of letting things go. Pulling out items that don’t fit is the easiest thing to let go of, and it gently teaches the kids that not everything lasts forever. 

Last But Not Least, Linens

A stack of folded linens

Lastly, I will attack the linen and hall closets. These closets always feel the messiest because they have the bulkiest items. Admittedly, I don’t let go of many linens, but I always like to, at least, go through them, re-fold them, and try to organize them to fit the shelves better. The organization might only last a week (and not happen again until next year), but it gives me a feeling of accomplishment. 

Jennifer was raised in Louisiana and moved to DFW right after college. She's been in Texas for 16 years. She and her husband have two beautiful daughters who are as different as night and day. That second born keeps everyone on their toes! Jennifer is a full-time stylist for a subscription company while her husband’s career takes him all over the world. While they’re never sure when and where he will be, Jennifer has become quite adept at balancing work from home while also being a stay-at-home mom with the two year old constantly by her side. When not at home, Jennifer is running the girls to all their extracurricular activities or squeezing in family road trips. Her goal is to take her girls to all 50 states.


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