Happy Podcast Day, Momfessions Podcast!

Erinn Anderson and Emily Youree are Momfessions Podcast co-hostsHappy Podcast Day to all who celebrate! And we celebrate around here, especially this year as we hit a milestone at Momfessions Podcast. We’ve breached the 100 episodes mark — YAY!

Momfessions Podcast, co-hosted by Emily Youree and Erinn Anderson, comes out every other Monday. The topics range from all things parenting to mom life and how that intersects with who we are as women. Episodes feature guests, comments and thoughts from other moms on certain topics, and deep conversation between Emily and Erinn. It’s like listening in to a confessional about topics all moms think about but don’t always talk about.

You can find Momfessions anywhere you listen to podcasts. Subscribe and follow along as we talk about the beauty and burden of motherhood!


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