Parenting Based on Our Personality Types :: Momfessions Podcast :: Episode 75

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Personality impacts parentingHow much does your personality impact your parenting? Beth and Emily have a fun, informative conversation with FWM writer and certified enneagram coach, Tasha Coble Ginn about this topic. What are the parenting strengths and weaknesses for each enneagram type? Listen to this episode for the answers and insights!

The following are resources mentioned in the episode and/or recommended by Tasha:

Tasha Coble Ginn is a writer for Fort Worth Moms.Tasha is a proud Fort Worth native. She is the mother of two energetic young children. Her passion for her faith, education, supporting the development of others, and adoption all energize her and influence the legacy she hopes to leave. Tasha is a leadership coach, director of leadership development, and a certified Enneagram coach. She enjoys reading, writing, taking walks, fellowship with her small group from church, and gatherings with family when she finds free time. You can contact her at


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