What We Wish We Knew About the Middle School Years :: Momfessions Podcast :: Episode 52

Tips for parenting middle school kids

This episode is also known as the jackpot of parenting. Hear GREAT tips and encouragements from mothers, who have already walked through the middle school years with their kiddos. Beth and Emily fiercely took notes!

These articles tackle this age and stage of parenting too:

You can find other episodes and articles in the “wish we knew” series by clicking HERE.

A big THANK YOU to all the moms who helped with this episode!

You can follow Momfessions on Facebook — and follow Fort Worth Moms on InstagramFacebookYouTubePinterest, and Twitter.

Original musical composition, “Play Time,” created by Jacob Tilton.


  1. 10 yrs old was my favorite age as they were capable and eager to be helpers…. and then …. something happened and it all went down hill from there. Jr High/ Middle School years are the hardest ones as they are becoming aware of their place in society and discovering who they are. I wish I knew in advance how fast they would change and how that confidence they once had would melt away and insecurities that seemed silly to me would be so very important to them. The focus on hair, clothing, pastimes and friends became center of their days and more important than anything else. I had to be sympathetic to those needs and offer as much common sense as possible without lecturing or dismissing the importance they thought was needed and yet remind them that honorable character was always going to win out over everything else. I had to learn to be more of a listener than a commenter and to not sound judgemental as they shared an incident. I learned to not say ” I think you’re great” as they believe that all parents have to say that… lol…. instead I learned to say ” I really admire the way you’re thinking this through or the way you handled that ” … it seemed to give them a jolt and helped them to really think about their situation rather than allow their feelings to rule. I wish I had known how important positivity is in that sea of negativity in the middle school years. I wish I had known how to guide them in their strengths in order to re-establish their self confidence and to re assure them that “you are enough”. I learned that if I’m told a secret I cannot betray the trust that it was given to me in. And most of all I had to maintain MY balance as they struggled to find theirs. Loved this segment as all of your segments are really very meaty in content as well as enjoyable. Take care.


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