To my sweet first “child”,
When your Daddy first suggested adding you to our family, I was not so hot on the idea. We had only been married 3 months and it seemed a little early to add an addition to the family, especially since I had not yet adapted to sharing a home with him (he is the loudest person alive). But he found pictures of you on the internet and talked me into driving almost 3 hours in a HORRIBLE thunderstorm to meet you.
When we arrived to meet you, your brothers and sisters excitedly ran up to greet us (some were even so excited they peed themselves), but not you. You strolled up casually, a chunkier build than the rest of your family, and gave us a look with your eyes cut to the side. We thought you were being “cool” but really it was just a lazy eye. I saw a beautiful petite red-haired girl squirming in front of me and I immediately scooped her up and stated she was definitely going to be mine, but your Daddy was set on you. Your current mommy said you were hers for good and we couldn’t have you – apparently you had been traveling around Texas and New Mexico with her while she showed barrel racing horses and you were the best traveling companion. You were a few months older than the other littles, more mature, and you carried yourself with a loving and chill demeanor.
Your crazy Daddy declared right then and there that he wanted YOU and asked what it would take to get you….guess that lazy eye and chill demeanor come at a price – an extra $150. So, we wrote her fat check and loaded you back up for the long and stormy ride home. She was right – you were an awesome traveler. The trip home took over 3 hours and there were places where we had to forge low-water crossings and detours. It was a bit scary in the thunderstorm, but you snuggled up on my shoulder and slept the whole way. The first night we brought you home you slept through the entire night. For weeks following that blessed night we had problems with you waking and whining all night. We tried everything we could think of, and much to our excitement, finally discovered that one of my old shirts was all you needed.
See, your Daddy says he chose you, but I really believe you chose ME. You have been my shadow from that day forward. You were a good baby – easy to potty train, only ate a few of my shoes and the best snuggler. You were with us as we struggled to learn what being married and a team meant. You were with us for our first Christmas as a family and when we moved into our first home that we “owned” (or will when the mortgage is paid off). Every time we have brought you home a new sibling, first a brother and then a sister, you have greeted them with excitement and gentility. They are a little physically rough with you, constantly invade your space, and yet you always want to be with them and me. When you wake up in the morning you always come find your mommy first.
You are getting a bit of gray around your nose and sometimes you creak and groan when you get up from a nap. Some days I see you limping a bit as old age starts to set into your bones and it reminds me that ‘babies grow up’ – I look at your brother and sister and see that they to will too. But I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for making me a “mommy” first. For teaching me about caring for someone else, loving me unconditionally and letting me be a bad parent sometimes when I yell and scream and lose my temper. Thank you for teaching me that everyday is a new day, that there is always time to throw the ball for a little while (but then we need to rest) and there is always time for a nap. Thank you for your understanding as you went from being “top dog” to the family dog and understanding your new role (I know it had to be a tough pill to swallow). I love that you photo-bomb most all the pics of your siblings and can never give us all enough kisses. Our family would not be the same without you.
We love you Sully,
Oh gosh, Emily. First tears, then a legit lump in my throat. Aren’t our first babies special? Mine were at my in-laws’ last night and I missed them so much and missed morning cuddles with the Beagle while I had my coffee. What kind of dog is this? Beagle mix?
Sully is a pibald dachshund (supposedly miniature but he runs arounds around 20 lbs so he is larger than most).
I have a miniature beagle who is about the same size. Those two breeds are so similar, and while he drives me NUTS, I really missed his cuddles this morning and was happy to have him home.
Can’t believe your blog about Sully brought tears to my eyes, Emily Jane!! He is a special dog, and has unbelievable patience with my two grands and such a sweet disposition.
I KNEW deep down you loved that Grand-dog. HAHA.
[…] technically he is a dog, not a child, but all of you dog-moms out there know what I’m talking about right? Before I had an actual, human baby, I had a […]