I never understood the term “single mom” until I became one myself.
I think the hardest thing about being a single parent is you do not understand the
undertaking unless you are doing it yourself. And co-parenting is hard, too. The only people who can relate are the ones that have been through it themselves.
If you have a friend or family member who is a single parent, please take the time to check on her. Chances are that person is constantly putting herself last to make sure the kids are take care of.
Plan a specific girl’s night or get together to talk and enjoy a bottle of wine. Plan a pedicure or a spa day. You could even offer to babysit, so she could have some alone time, which is hard to come by on a regular basis.
Anything big or small will make a world of difference.
I know from personal experience that I am always putting myself last. I will wear myself thin to make sure my children have everything they need. People want you to reach out to them, but most single parents have a hard time asking for help.
I encourage you to call or text and just offer a helping hand. Even if it is helping around the house, tidying up, or running errands. At then end of the day, any parent is exhausted. Having an extra set of hands to help with the last minute chores or a quick run to the grocery store could mean a world of difference and save so much time and heartache.
In most cases, single parents never intend to be a single parent. It usually comes from a stressful or negative situation. It is admiring that a parent not only must overcome a breakup, but then must also be strong enough to take care of children.
It is very difficult to realize how much work a single parent puts in since she is doing what two people do to make a family run smoothly. It takes such a strong person to become a single parent, and she should be honored not only today, but every day.
Single parents make sacrifices every single day, as most parents are. However a single parent does all the heavy lifting. There is no one to split doctor appointments with, work, school drop off, or dinner. She is organizing it and getting it done.
If you know someone who is a single parent, reach out and check on her. Don’t wait for her to ask for help — just take action. It could make a huge difference in her day. I know there are many stressful days, and when a friend asks how she can help, it definitely helps turn my day around.
Instead of judging single parents, let’s celebrate them and help them, as we would anyone who needs help.
Are you a single mom? Join FWM Neighbor Group Tarrant County Single Moms on Facebook.