While having lunch with one of my girlfriends yesterday, I giggled to myself as I sat eavesdropping on another group of moms ask their newly pregnant friend if she was going to find out what she is having. Inside I was bursting with joy because just the day before had found out the gender of our little bun in the oven. I rubbed my belly and smiled, all while trying to send telepathic messages to that new mom that I think she should definitely find out what it is so she can monogram, decorate and prepare herself for a world of boy or girl.
I’m currently 20 weeks pregnant and Fort Worth Moms Blog is lucky to have Stork Vision (located off of Magnolia Avenue in Fort Worth) as one of our sponsors. I was so excited to do my gender reveal with them. I knew places like this existed but I had no idea places like this existed… It was such a warm and welcoming place. When I walked in, I filled out a little bit of paperwork and was given a tour. I was told I would get sonogram photos and a DVD of the whole session. I was pumped! Let’s see this baby!
It’s a small office with only 2 rooms, a room to check in and then the sonogram room. Both rooms are decorated to mimic a nursery. In the larger sonogram room, there is a viewing area for your family and friends with a big screen TV, couch and extra chairs. Jack played with the stuffed animals by the TV, Lee enjoyed the comfortable seating, and I was pleased that the place was kid friendly.
On the opposite side of the room was the sonogram machine and table for me to lie on. The sonographer told me that many women choose to do their big gender reveal parties there resulting in a “standing room only” scenario. I couldn’t imagine lying there with my shirt up, belly jellied and tears in my eyes in front of all my family… but to each his (or her) own.
I was happy to have just my son and husband in the room. Jack held my hand for most of the sonogram and was very interested in the images that were popping up on the big screen. Since the day we found out we were pregnant, Jack has said he was having a sister. I kept telling him that it could be a boy and hope he wasn’t disappointed. He’s only 2, so I wasn’t sure if he could even comprehend what I was saying.
Well, my son was right – we are having a girl! When we told Jack he was right, he said a drawn out “Yeeaah” (almost as an I told you so) and then danced around the room. Of course, tears welled up in my eyes. Deep down I would have been happy with either a boy or a girl, but I am so thrilled I get to have one of each. After having Jack, my husband and I are nervous about the world of girl but are ready for the adventure.
We are proud to announce that baby girl Isla Leigh Hargrave is due on March 4, 2014!
Anybody have any insights into how being a boy mom and girl mom is different?
Awe! Congratulations! March 4th was when Connor was born (so very good day 😉
So thrilled for you all!
Thank you! My birthday is on the 3rd. So this baby girl and I are going to have a lot of fun in March. 🙂
Yay! Congratulations!
Thank you, Helen! We are so excited. I’ll need some girl pointers!!!
I always thought real gender differences started around puberty! Ha! What a crazy lady! I do believe there is A TON of brainwashing that goes into pink sheets and blue diapers. There are also A BUNCH of hormones that start the dirt in the hair and caring for dolls from before little ones are born. I still believe though, that parenting shouldn’t differ much. Love them, praise them, discipline them and you’ll have great kids!