Around the end of your second trimester, your belly starts to round out and you start looking pregnant instead of just looking like you ate a large lunch. The growing bump is like a hand magnet. Some will ask to touch and some will just help themselves. Many moms-to-be are super offended by this, with the most extreme trying to make it illegal. I personally am not overprotective of my bump, though I most certainly believe there is a line that can be crossed.
Why I’m in favor of belly touching.
- I really don’t see how its any different than a hug. If I feel comfortable enough to give you a hug, you can touch my belly and say what’s up to little Isla.
- I feel compelled to touch pregnant bellies, so who am I to say don’t touch mine.
- I’m very happy to be pregnant and don’t mind the extra attention. 🙂
Where the line gets crossed.
- If I’ve never given you a hug or if you are someone I wouldn’t hug, then you don’t get to touch my belly without my permission. You can look at it, smile at it, have thoughts about it…. but no physical contact.
- If you ask and I say no and you do it anyway. That is where I do see a crime in place. Putting your hands on someone who has told you not to touch them is a big no-no.
- If you see I am struggling with my child, in a hurry or just plain cranky. Get. Away!
Tips on whether to touch or not. (BEWARE: may not apply to all)
- If the pregnant woman gives you a hug, she probably wouldn’t mind a belly caress.
- If she is rubbing her belly in front of you, she is most likely inviting you to rub her belly as well.
- Pay attention to eye contact. If she is trying to avoid it, she most likely is trying to avoid you.
- Watch for belly position. If she uses her coat to cover it or she turns slightly so that the belly is not front and center, don’t touch.
- It’s always safest and most polite to ask if you can touch.
It’s been awhile since I’ve given my stats, so here they are at 25 weeks:
Size of Baby: 1 1/3 lb and about a foot long
Countdown: 15 weeks left
Total weight gain: 15 lbs
Maternity Clothes?: Yes, I broke out the belly bands and maternity clothes! But you will usually find me in stretchy workout gear.
Energy Levels: I’ve had an awesome second trimester filled with energy and spurts of productivity. Although, as I approach my third trimester, the fatigue is making its return.
Exercise Habits: My goal is to workout at enduraLAB at least 3 times a week. I consider myself pretty active so, I’m trying to just continue moving and keep up with Jack.
Sleeping?: It’s starting to get a little uncomfortable. I usually sleep with a pillow between my legs. If I wake up before 6:30am, I HAVE to take a nap during the day to survive. If I can sleep in a little, I can make it until about 9pm.
Jack’s Interaction: Jack will lovingly rest his hands on my belly and say “Isla” then run from one end of the room and jump as hard as he can on my belly. He is such a boy… I think he is starting to realize that something is happening in mommy because he is starting to seek additional attention.
Miss anything?: I miss being able to run, lay on my stomach and salad bars.
Movement: Isla is very active! Even Lee has felt her powerful kicks and movement from one side to the other.
Food Cravings: Big salads with lots of vegetables, Chex, cold fruit.
Food Aversions: Not too much right now… I stay away from dairy as much as possible because it makes me feel bad.
Labor signs: Not yet!
Mood: Emotional. With lack of sleep, I’m super impatient.
Not Looking Forward to: Weeks 38-40 of my pregnancy.
Looking Forward To: Seeing this precious girl’s face, seeing Jack’s reaction to her and seeing daddy hold his little girl.