We are so excited to announce that our son Jack is going to be a big brother! Although I will honestly say the first 9 weeks seriously made me ask myself, “what in the world did I just do to our perfect routine?”, as I was sick as a dog and I probably slept for a week straight at one point. My poor son and husband had to fend for themselves.
I either can’t remember being this tired and sick from my first pregnancy, or this time is really different. It’s hard to pin point because my life is so much more busy now than it was 3 years ago… or maybe just a different kind of busy. Chasing around a small child and not feeling 100% can really get to you. I don’t know how moms do it after 2 children. My hat is off to you!
Weeks have passed…slowly. I’m starting to get my energy and wit back. The second trimester really is a God-send. I finally feel productive and loving to my family. I’m excited to share my journey with all of you! First, let’s start with some stats.
How far along/ Due Date: 16 Weeks, March 4, 2014
Total weight gain/loss: I’ve gained 5 lbs from weeks 13-16. Hello boobs!
Exercise Habits: During the first trimester, it was extremely difficult to workout because of nausea and being so tired. The past couple of weeks, my goal is to workout at our gym enduraLAB 3 times a week. So far, so good. It feels good to sweat and be active. When it cools outside, I hope to return to running.
Sleeping? I feel like my body shuts down around 8pm and I spring out of bed at 5am. I sleep well depending on how my stomach takes what I eat. (More on this later.)
Jack’s Reactions: He likes to lift my shirt and say “baby in der.” He tries to tickle the baby by giving my belly raspberries. When I ask if he thinks it’s a brother or a sister, he says sister every time. Let’s see if his prediction is right.
Have you told family & Friends? We told family when we found out. I told people at our gym so they wouldn’t think our training would fail them. Ha! I made an official Facebook announcement a couple of weeks ago.
Miss anything? Being able to be as physically active as I was and operate on less sleep.
Movement: Sometimes I think so, but I think it’s in my head.
Food Cravings: Anything salty. I craved a donut yesterday and I NEVER want donuts. I think the last time I had a donut was my senior year of high school. I didn’t eat one… I just thought it sounded good for about an hour.
Food Aversions: Slow cooked meats… I don’t want to smell meat cooking in my house for 8 hrs. Gross. My husband cannot comprehend it.
Showing yet? Oh yeah! It’s my second and I was expecting to show quicker. My clothes not fitting are evidence – and I rest.
Gender Prediction: Judging on how sick I’ve been and Jack constantly saying sister/girl, we think it’s going to be a girl.
Moods: Feistier than normal (although my husband would probably say it’s pretty normal), emotional and exhausted.
Looking Forward To: Finding out what gender the baby is and getting some energy back!
And so begins our ‘Belly Diaries’ series. Stay tuned as I take you on this crazy ride of being pregnant with a toddler while trying to stay healthy and happy!
We want to hear from our pregnant mamas out there! Expecting? First, second, third….? When are you due?