As the primary caregiver in my household, I keep everyone’s schedule straight. I admit to using the calendar app on my phone, a Google calendar, as well as a physical calendar in my home office with all the doctor’s appointments, after-school activities, church events, playdates, etc. This way the dates are in my face at all times. You have to have a system to get the right kids to the right places, after all!
As the primary, that’s my job. My husband, on the other hand, is the breadwinner in our marriage. His job often takes him away from home, and sometimes for weeks or months at a time. He is a great provider for our family, but sadly misses some events in our household. This is why communication is so important to keep him in the household loop.
Maybe your home runs under similar circumstances and one spouse feels out of the loop of what goes on while at work. Here are my tried-and-true tips to help keep you both aware of the family events.
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The Written Word
First, a quick text or email is so easy to notify your significant other of something that’s coming up or something fresh that happened within the household. Maybe your oldest lost another tooth and wants to share the news that the Toothfairy is coming. This might seem small to some, but to your child, it’s a big milestone.
I always let my husband know the little things as well as the big ones, so when he calls on FaceTime, he can talk about it and relate to our children in his absence. Don’t underestimate a text, sticky note, or other messages as communication with your significant other.
FaceTime/Google Duo
Today’s technology is so amazing for fostering that long-distance relationship between my husband and the kids. Even though he cannot always be here in person, our children can still “see” him daily, tell him about their crazy adventures, and blow him a kiss goodnight via FaceTime. Other apps you can use are Google Duo, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger.
Phone Calls
Of course, the Internet can be spotty, and sometimes it’s hard to reach my husband via FaceTime, so there’s always the good ol’ telephone option to let him know about the happenings in our house. If it’s something urgent, a quick text to let him know I need to talk to him and a quick return call following can be helpful.
Sharing Calendar Invites
Finally, I mentioned my reliance on the calendar on my phone and Google calendar to help with communication with your significant other. This helps me to keep a work/life balance.
I’ve found it also helps my husband when I invite him to view important dates on said calendars. He can see when someone in the household has something special coming up and sometimes plan his work schedule around it so he can be in attendance too.
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I can’t say that even with all these communication tools my husband will remember every detail, but I know I’ve done my best to keep him in the loop. That is half the battle when you have a spouse whose work demands so much of them. Gentle reminders here and there are always good ideas, as well, when you need to rely on communication with your significant other. Hope this helps!