Celabre con Arte: Crafts for Kids to Celebrate Cinco de Mayo

Try these crafts on Cinco de Mayo.

Texas is full of Mexican influence and culture. Every year on May 5, Texans celebrate the military victory with our southern neighbors by indulging in traditional Mexican foods, music and, for those over 21, beverages. If you are looking for other ways to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, try one of these crafts with your kids as you indulge in all the delicious foods and explore the cultural significance of the holiday.

>> RELATED READ :: Celebrate Cinco de Mayo :: Books, Events, and Movies <<

Coloring Sheets

As you read them the story of Cinco de Mayo and tell your children about the famous battle, have them decorate coloring sheets you print out with images such as:


There are many different ways to create maracas from supplies you might already have on hand.

Make pinatas as a craft for Cinco de Mayo.

  1. Have your child decorate two paper cups. Some simple ideas for decorating are markers, paint, or washi tape. 

2. Fill one cup about halfway full with dried beans.

3. Connect the second cup on top so that the lips of the cups come together.

4. Tape around the middle where the lips are connected to create a seal.

5. Have you child play his or her new instrument while listening to traditional Mexican music.

>> RELATED READ :: Cinco de Mayo Recipe Roundup <<

Shoebox Floats

Make a mini parade for Cinco de Mayo with shoeboxes.

Many cities in the United States hold Cinco de Mayo festivities that include celebratory parades. Get in on the fun and build your own mini float using a shoebox.

Look at images of parade floats online with your kids or watch clips of parades together on YouTube. 

Have your child come up with a theme and basic float design by sketching ideas first.

Gather a shoebox, tissue paper, construction paper, scissors, glue, and any other craft supplies you have laying around and let them start creating.


This one takes a little planning ahead because it requires a few days to construct. It can also get messy, so start by protecting your work area with old towels or newspapers.

  1. Blow up a balloon and set the narrow end where it has been tied off into a cup. Secure it with tape. This acts as a stand while you construct your piñata.

2. Paper mache three to four thin layers around the entire balloon.

  • Tear strips of newspaper and dip individually into a paper mache paste. A quick online search will bring up several simple recipes.
  • Dip the strips of newspaper one at a time into the paste and wipe off excess with your fingers. Lay each strip flat across the balloon and smooth out.
  • Repeat until you have covered the entire balloon.
  • Allow to dry and repeat the process two to three more times to create a stronger piñata. 

3. Decorate your dry piñata with paint, tissue paper, etc.

4. Remove the piñata from the cup base and pop the balloon.

5. There will be a small hole at the top where you can pour in candy, toys, or anything else you want to add.

6. Punch small holes near the opening to tie a string through if you want to hang your piñata.

7. Cover the opening by gluing tissue paper over the top the same way you would a confetti egg.

Happy Cinco de Mayo! How do you celebrate?

Molly is a Fort Worth native who called the TCU neighborhood home for the first 26 years of her life. She is a proud horned frog with a degree in studio art. She began her career as an art teacher with the FWISD before moving to New Mexico after marrying her husband, Taylor, a sixth generation rancher and TCU graduate. Molly was widowed in February 2020 and writes about grief and how her faith has carried her through tragic loss on her blog, God-Given Gumption, as well as on her Instagram page. Molly is rearing their two girls, Margot (5) and Charlotte (2), on the family cattle ranch in southeastern New Mexico, where she continues to work as an art teacher. She loves spending time with her friends and family and is thankful for the flexibility to travel home to Fort Worth as much as possible.


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