1st Fort Worth Moms Blog Play Date

So excited to announce our FIRST FORT WORTH MOMS BLOG PLAY DATE!  


When and Where: We will be meeting up on Thursday, August 22nd at 9am at Oakmont Park.

What to Bring:  You and your kiddos.  If you think you might want to take a walk on the trails afterward or want to contain your littles, bring the strollers.  Although we are meeting early, it will be fairly hot, so make sure to bring something to stay hydrated!  You are more than welcome to bring balls to throw and kick, kites if we have a good wind, and your kids’ bikes (note this is on the Trinity Trails so there will be other bikers/walkers present).

Special thanks to Stir Crazy Baked Goods who has generously offered to treat us and our babes with some yummy goodies!

Oakmont Park Amenities: Located off Bellaire Drive South and the Trinity Trails, but tucked behind a line of trees, Oakmont Park is a great safe location for our kiddos to run free while we visit and get to know one another.  Baby and big kid swings, little and big kid slides, rock wall, LOTS of grassy areas, LOTS of sidewalks AND MOST IMPORTANT – lots of shade from the trees and a pavilion with tables.

Parking:  There are two lots that have access to Oakmont Park.  Both are located directly off Bellaire Drive South and are a short walk to the park. The farther North lot is closest and will be marked with our blue/green colors. If this lot is full, just drive a little farther south and you will see another lot – follow the sidewalk that will end at the park.  If both these lots are full, you can park on Bellaire Drive, just past the first lot, but make sure you are facing the correct direction – we do not reimburse for parking tickets! 🙂

Let Us Know You Are Joining us HERE!

We understand not everyone, especially our working moms, can attend a weekday play date.  We have a great Saturday play date in the works for September!


  1. How awesome…that park is located right next to some apartments I used to live in! I wish I could join y’all…but I will have 6 kids that day, and I don’t think I could handle them all by myself!! Looking forward to the next play date!! Love the blog BTW!!!

  2. Sounds fun! We would like to go (my 2 & 4yr.old boys & I) but it looks like sign up is full(?) Is it still okay to show up? Thanks 🙂


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