Introducing the Fort Worth Moms Book Club :: Join Today!

Introducing . . . the Fort Worth Moms Book ClubThis community group is an online Facebook group for moms living in the Tarrant County area and who love to read! It’s a safe place to ask questions, discuss ideas, read books with others, and journey alongside other women in the parenting space. The group will meet online and in-person to discuss the best reads!

It’s easy to join! Click on the pink text here: Fort Worth Moms Book Club. Simply click the button to join, answer the membership questions, and the group administration will accept your request.

If you live in the Tarrant County area or know someone who does and adores books, spread the word about this group. Your new friends are waiting for you!

In addition to this book club, we also host several other groups — regional and topical — just for local moms. Check it out under our Meet Moms tab in the menu.


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