5 Travel Ideas for Traveling with Babies and Toddlers

Our first trip with my first child was when he was about six months, and we braved a trip to Disney World. We were not very sure about it, but my sister-in-law, an expert traveler with kids, showed us the ropes. Most of these tricks I have learned from her — so thank you, Sis!

A toddler sits in a stroller with a bunch of luggage next to her.1. Travel Protection

I learned this the hard way. When you know you will be traveling with your children or maybe even traveling at all, I recommend taking advantage of any travel protection provided (if you can afford the extra fees). If you are planning ahead, you are likely aware that things with your children can change drastically overnight.

You never know what will happen in the next week or months. The protection plan could save you from losing all your money if you end up not being able to make the trip.

>> RELATED READ :: Travel Toys :: For Trips on Planes, Trains, and Automobiles <<

2. Gate Check Your Stroller

If you’re traveling by plane, this is the most helpful tip! If you want to get through the airport with your toddler not running from here to there, strap him or her in a stroller! Then, you can gate check your stroller! Yes, this is thing. You can take your stroller through security and have it available to walk to your gate. Once you get to the gate you check the stroller at that point. Once you arrive to your destination, your stroller will be waiting for you to use the second you get off the plane. Check with your airlines for more info.

3. Storage

Plan to store things in multiple places! Extra reusable bags are not a bad idea for this. If you will be traveling by plane, think about where these things will fit. Will this go in a check bag or carry on?

You need places to put the things you buy along the way, and you will need somewhere for those things travel home at the end of your trip, you’ll need space for just about everything.

Suitcases packed and stacked for travel.

4. Transportation

Plan ahead for transportation. Are you bringing your car seat or will you be renting one with the car rental place? If you’re bringing your own car seat, do you have a car seat bag or a plastic bag large enough to fit it in when you check it?

Rent a car big enough to accommodate people AND your things. It may seem obvious, but if you are bringing car seat, strollers, and multiple bags — it has to all fit in the car! You do not want to have to leave something behind.

If you are planning to take Uber, Lyft, or taxi, be sure you have a plan for a car seat. I have found that many families prefer the Doona, which is a stroller/car seat combination, but this only works for young babies.

>> RELATED READ :: Tips for Flying with Kids :: Part 1 <<

5. Bring an Extra Person 

I love the idea of gifting a grandparent a free trip (with the kids, of course). It is a wonderful time for grandparents to travel and spend time with their grandchildren, AND also very helpful to have an extra someone to help out. Involved grandparents are the absolute best!

If you love to travel, don’t worry about traveling with kids because there are so many ways to help things work in your favor. Besides, most places don’t charge for kids until they are three and older. To me, that is all the more reason to bring the young ones along!

Quinn was born and raised in a small town of Bellville, Texas. She graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches with a bachelors in health science. Nacogdoches has a special place in her heart, especially since meeting her now husband of two years. Axe Em!!! The two began their journey as first-time parents living in the Fort Worth area where Quinn works in the finance industry. Quinn’s favorite hobbies include dancing, wine tasting, writing, and attempting to keeps plants alive. Above all else, Quinn loves spending time with family. Especially her husband and 19-month-old son. Becoming a parent has been the most challenging, rewarding, terrifying, awesome journey in her life, and she hopes to share these experiences with the community.


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