It’s time, mamas. It’s time to gather up your tribe, get to planning, and prepare to jet out of town for that much needed girl’s getaway! You’ve always talked about it, but just never could quite make it happen. Take a quick second right now and think about how much a relaxation, unlimited sleep, and uninterrupted conversation feeds the soul. Maybe it’s just me, but a chance at laughter that turns into tears and tears that bleed into laughter with your best friends? Sign. Me. Up.
I know, I know . . . let’s face it: Allowing ourselves to take this time is never guilt free. How will my family do without me? Will the kids miss me as they climb into bed? If they get sick, who will comfort them?
As a veteran of mom’s getaways, I am hear to tell you: They will be just fine without you. Trust me.
After those three short days every year, they always happily survive, and I come home refreshed and a better parent filled with more patience than before. Being away allows me to appreciate the dirty things of being a mama a little more and my outlook on the mundane is diminished (for at least a few months).
Without further adieu, here is your quick guide to the perfect Mom’s Getaway!
Keep it small. Begin with the who. In theory, the more the merrier sounds awesome, and it can be, but generally with that comes more opinions on where to eat, who wants to do what, where to go, and finding a date that accommodates so many schedules. For these reasons, often a larger number may hinder the trip’s chances of coming to fruition. Being conscious of the “how many” piece makes it easier to get spa appointments all at once, and it cuts down on the chaos we are trying to escape!
The when and where. Once you’ve established your perfect crew, throw out 3-4 weekends during a specific time frame (say maybe October or after the holidays) that work for everyone and get a weekend on the books. As soon as the “when” is established, begin searching for hot deals and destinations.
Let’s be real: Does it really matter where we are with our best friends to have good time?

Most likely not, but some of our favorite spots are smaller towns that have unique eateries, spas, sunshine, and fitness options! Our favorite destinations are resorts like the Camelback Inn in Scottsdale, Arizona! San Antonio’s JW Marriott, the wineries in Fredericksburg, Grapevine’s Gaylord Texan, and the cozy banks of Lake Austin are some of our favorites!
Plan ahead. To make the most out of your trip, P L A N A H E A D. Not everyone is the planning type, so designate one or two people for researching the destination, make reservations at a few restaurants (we almost always cancel at least one night), and create a really loose itinerary for options of fitness classes, wine tastings, spa appointments, hotel, or destination nightlife. Everything is up in the air, but at least time is not spent on deciding “what’s next.” As long as you have the right crowd at your side, it doesn’t matter whether you’re laying in a hotel room all day or discovering the town.
Mandatory pajama night. Every girls trip has a built in pajama night complete with room service/take out, store bought wine, and party games like Heads Up, Telestrations, and Apples to Apples. No matter where we are, this is always one of the most memorable nights. (True story: I once got hung up in airport security because they thought the very-necessary game I had packed in my carry on was a bomb. See. It’s the littlest things that make girls trip memories.)
Don’t let the budget stop you. Every mama’s finances look different. Try to plan trips that allow options for everyone. For example, those that have a little more to spend always have the option of their own room or less people to a room, while those who are on a budget can share rooms. The more to a room, the more cost effective it is! Remember that you control your budget and if you can’t make the spa work this year, maybe next year, but don’t let that count you out. Be upfront with your friends and be open about what you are comfortable spending; we all prioritize differently, and friends understand that! Definitely don’t forget any airline or hotel miles you may have to ease the cost. Options are endless from Airbnb, hotels, motels, and heck . . . just a friend’s house away from your own! Can’t fly? Roadtrip!
So, what do you say? Let’s clink our mimosas and kiss our mom guilt goodbye while saying hello to warm meals, a little bit of sunshine, and a lot of R&R!