Dear Hard-Working Mom,
You don’t have to convince us. You simply don’t.
Of the challenging behaviors your kids are exhibiting,
Of your chronic pain,
Of how stubborn your spouse is,
Of your brain fog,
Of your family frustrations, or
Of anything else your mind and heart want validation about.
Your feelings and your situation are valid with or without someone’s agreement. Your self worth doesn’t stem from someone’s validation.
In fact, you are entirely separate from their validation. Their validation is an opinion; you and your fabulousness are actually fact.
Because you’re a person, you’re worthy. You’re incredibly made. You’re fascinating to get to know. You’re hard working when all the chores are endless. You’re kind. You’re funny and friendly. And you aren’t these things because someone once had that opinion of you. Not because you’ve heard it your whole life. Because let’s face it; you have the power to recreate yourself at any time! Be bold enough to do it!
You exist in this world, and there’s not one other person like you. I believe this with all of my heart and want you to claim it, too!
So, when everything in you wants to cry out to the world to understand, I get it. It IS still wonderful to have a listening ear and some positive reinforcement. Speak your truth to dear friends. However, PLEASE know that the listener’s perceptions don’t dictate your worth.
Keep being you. Exactly as you are, doing all of the interesting things that you do. Not because you’re being validated by others (especially not your little ones). Validation is nice and all, but come on! You’re so much more than their opinions.
I am hopeful that this reminder encourages your spirit when you are feeling isolated or left out.
Mama, you are more than incomparably wonderful exactly as you are. No changes needed, unless YOU desire them.