
Emily Y

Emily Y
Emily started her career in the publishing industry in 1999, working on curriculum, magazines, books, and newspapers in the time since. She first became involved with Fort Worth Moms in 2013 as a writer. She became the managing editor in 2014. Twelve months later, she became the sole owner of Fort Worth Moms. She is also the host and founder of Momfessions Podcast. In 2014, she co-authored and released Legendary Locals of Fort Worth. She has also co-written a Bible study, Grace in the Empty Spaces. In 2022, she acquired Collin County Moms and Dallas Moms, creating the Beal Media publishing group. She also enjoys gardening, naps, and drinking Dr. Pepper.
How will parents handle the return of kids activities

Return of Kids Activities :: Momfessions Podcast :: Episode 44

Should we, shouldn't we? What lessons from the pandemic will change our approach and choices?
Dr. Bryan Youree answers how the coronavirus vaccine will impact summer travel

Vaccinated. Now What? :: An Interview with a Fort Worth Infectious Disease Doctor

As more and more North Texans receive the COVID-19 vaccine, more and more questions whirl in our minds: Can we hug Grandma? Can we travel? Do we still need the mask?
Moms celebrate making it to back to school season in 2020.

Hey There Mom, You Did It!

I'm not celebrating us strolling in with flat abs and well-rounded kids. I'm not counting success as everyone made it to September better off or in better health. I'm celebrating the wonderful fact that we made it. You made it to today. That matters.
Parents make different schoolin chioces for their kids for the 2020 school year

What Moms Decided About the 2020 – 2021 School Year

I contacted the moms interviewed for the May piece to find out what decisions they made for fall schooling. Did their questions get answered? Did their ideas and choices evolve over the summer?
Why didn't we test our kids after they were exposed to coronavirus?

Why We Didn’t Test Our Kids After a COVID Exposure

Why didn’t we test our girls after they were exposed to coronavirus? That’s a question I’ve fielded a time or two this month.
What to do if you or your child is exposed to coronavirus

What to Do If You or Your Child Is Exposed to Coronavirus :: Q...

Stay home for 14 days after the last exposure and maintain social distance (at least six feet) from others at all times. Yes, this means no working outside of the home, no leaving your home, and no people, who are not part of your household, entering the home.
Should moms send their children to school for the 2020-2021 year

What Moms Think About the 2020-2021 School Year

My biggest dislike about the current situation is the sudden, massive increase in technology use. I think for the ages of my children, technology is not the best approach for learning. And, the lack of hands-on experiences are frustrating the kids. Basically, it’s okay for school maintenance, but would 100% not work for the long term.