
Emily Y

Emily Y
Emily started her career in the publishing industry in 1999, working on curriculum, magazines, books, and newspapers in the time since. She first became involved with Fort Worth Moms in 2013 as a writer. She became the managing editor in 2014. Twelve months later, she became the sole owner of Fort Worth Moms. She is also the host and founder of Momfessions Podcast. In 2014, she co-authored and released Legendary Locals of Fort Worth. She has also co-written a Bible study, Grace in the Empty Spaces. In 2022, she acquired Collin County Moms and Dallas Moms, creating the Beal Media publishing group. She also enjoys gardening, naps, and drinking Dr. Pepper.
Kids give honest and funny insight into what it means to be a mom

What Do Kids Think It Means to Be a Mom? :: Momfessions Podcast ::...

What do moms actually do all the time? Well, now we know thanks to the insightful observations and commentary from our offspring. ;-)
Room moms support teachers

The Room Mom Review :: Momfessions Podcast :: Episode 71

The school year is winding down: Beth and Emily both served as room moms for their first graders' classes. They give their report in this episode. While Beth and Emily do not live far from each other, their experiences really differ! 
Moms can cut grocery bills with these tips and ideas for your budget

13 Ways to Save Money on Your Grocery Bill

Shopping sales and buying in-season requires research . . . dare I say, requires work. To get what you need and what you want, you will likely have to source several stores to find the best deals or the selection you want.
Dicipline encourages connection with the child; abuse does not

What Is the Difference Between Discipline and Abuse :: Panel Discussion Video

What is the difference between discipline and abuse, between healthy attachment and coerced or secretive relationships? That's a question, in my opinion, that every parent needs to know the answer to.
Episode 70 reveals how much mothers forget

The Things We Forget :: Momfessions Podcast :: Episode 70

Beth and Emily reveal their worst forgetful offenses and chat about strategies to curb the forgetting. A few other mothers chime in with helpful tips and funny stories.
The relationship between pelvic floor health and toilet training

Potty Training & Pelvic Floor Health :: Momfessions Podcast :: Episode 69

Beth and Emily visit with Dr. Lea Feghali to discuss how potty training impacts pelvic floor health -- yes, pelvic floor habits for our littles. It is truly a fascinating conversation.
Money saving tips for groceries

Taming the Grocery Budget :: Momfessions Podcast :: Episode 68

This episode provides several tips on ways to lower the grocery store bill and how increased prices are impacting the ability to use typical cost saving strategies, like bulk buying.