

Anna is wife to Matt and mom to two little ladies: Charlie and Georgia, and dog mom to the best dog ever, Attie, and the worst little Beagle ever, Toby. Besides chasing around her girls full time, Anna spends her spare time running her business, Fit4Mom SW Fort Worth. And can be found enjoying British TV, dark chocolate, and a good cup of coffee with her husband.

Keep the "F" Word Out of Your Home

It's cold and FLU season. So what'a s mom to do? Plan A Go all Little House on the Prairie and escape in my covered wagon with the kids, hubs, and good dog (Beagle can hold down...

A Confession to my dearest Fort Worth

Dear Fort Worth, I'm going to say this fast. Please don't talk until I'm finished. Just hear me out. I CHEATED. It got to be September and it was still hot and I just started thinking stuff...

Family Recipes :: Red Beans and Rice (and when God opened my stomach)

When the Texas air takes the slightest bend toward cool, my mind starts spinning: pumpkin (anything at all, pumpkin), coffee (well...more of it and around the clock), open windows, taco soup, and Red Beans...

Taming the Control Monster

When I was in college, Friends was at the height of its popularity. Every Thursday night, my roommates and I would watch Friends and there was this one scene where Monica washed all of the cars on...

When the Grandparent Rules Are Different from the Mommy Rules

Every kid and every parent knows that the rules are different with grandparents. Sure, the main rules are the same: Be nice, don't hit, don't lie or steal, be respectful. But let's face it...

Flushing "Potty Training" Down the Toilet

Let it be known-before I had kids, I was an awesome mom. I had it all together. My kids ate healthy food. They did not throw tantrums in public. They slept well and were...

Organics Made Easy and Affordable

Last year, I noticed a link on a friend's blog for a group called Your Health Source that appeared to be a local organic co-op. After a few months of hemming and hawing and having a...