

Anna is wife to Matt and mom to two little ladies: Charlie and Georgia, and dog mom to the best dog ever, Attie, and the worst little Beagle ever, Toby. Besides chasing around her girls full time, Anna spends her spare time running her business, Fit4Mom SW Fort Worth. And can be found enjoying British TV, dark chocolate, and a good cup of coffee with her husband.

Nutrition for Dummies

As a fitness professional, the number one question I am asked is: What should I be eating? Fitness professionals, doctors, and nurses learn a little bit about nutrition. But, to REALLY LEARN about nutrition takes years of...

Let Them Be Children

My husband and I were chatting yesterday about our childhoods in comparison to how our kids are growing up. In many regards, I feel like our generation says (smugly), "We are doing this better."...

No More iPhone…a Reluctant Experiment

Everywhere you look, kids are sitting around with iPhones in their hands...everywhere. It's the new pacifier. And they know exactly where to go and how to get to the video or game that they...


If you're anything like me, maybe your New Years Resolution list looked something like this: 1. Stop watching Netflix on my e-reader and read my e-reader. (Darn you, Netflix app-my yearly BOOK IT! points dropped drastically...

Put Your Clothes Back On

In my formerER life, in the 90s, I lived in small town Iowa about 2 years after grunge made its messy plaid debut. In the Heartland, that look kept us going until at least 2001. My dad...

Saying, "I'm Sorry"

It was a solitary day with no adult interaction and worst of all…no naps. It was a bath time gone awry and there was much water splashing and one tired mommy. It was a little girl in...

Holiday Traditions on a Hot Cocoa and Popcorn Budget

As the Holidays approach and Christmas parties start to clutter the calendar and gift buying attempts to steal precedence, I want to CHOOSE to focus on the right stuff this year. The right stuff...