
Guest Writer

Guest Writer
Guest writers contribute to the Fort Worth Moms content catalog throughout the year, bringing expert advice, solid recommendations, and unique perspectives.
Outdoor Cooking

Is Your Child Ready for Summer Camp?

Leaving your child can be the best way to help him or her establish the necessary skills successful adults possess. We aren’t talking about a sleep-over or a weekend with the grandparents. No, this is much more than that. This is summer camp.
Teacher and Student

Don’t Forget to Check the Math App in Your Child’s Head! Say What?

Children can appear to progress through their elementary education, outwardly demonstrating the conceptual, arithmetic framework necessary to tackle the algebra series, and then onto higher geometry and trigonometry, when, in fact, their incredibly talented and adaptable minds have simply stored enough information to perform adequately on standardized tests and homework during the school year. This result allows everyone to breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy the summer activities, and hopefully be excited to start the next school year. Suddenly your little one tells you they hate math, That, and the necessary full-contact evenings of homework cage fighting matches to get it done, certainly take their toll on your child's self-esteem.
valentines sand

The Perfect 7 Favorite Non-Candy Valentines Ideas

Enter rebel moms who just said no to pink heart shaped suckers and those chalky conversation sweethearts candy your kiddos could pass out, but not eat. Because of you, I can turn to Pinterest this Valentine's Day. The clouds open wide and the hallelujah chorus is singing. I have found the holy grail of non-food allergy friendly valentine's for my special eater this Valentine's. Here are my top favorites:
girls playing

When Time Slows Down {Living with Congenital Birth Defects}

Being a parent to a child with congenital issues is an incredibly messy and beautifully paradoxical blend of challenge, heartbreak, and joy.
women looking at computer screen

The Hidden Dangers of Posting Pictures of Your Children Online

I am grieving innocence at the hand of evil today. I am grieving how a mere stranger from across the globe can become the thief of joy for the unsuspecting innocent. I am deafened by...
pregnancy ruined my breasts

“Pregnancy Ruined My Breasts!”: Options for Restoring a Beautiful Breast Shape

Disclaimer :: Dr. Emily J. Kirby, a local mom and plastic surgeon, crafted and sponsored this post, lending her expertise to the common concern of breast appearance post-pregnancy. Other moms tell us it will happen, and...
teeth braces

The Teeth Talk (Part Two) :: An Interview with Legacy Pediatric and Adolescent Dentistry

Disclaimer :: Fort Worth Moms Blog’s own Emily Y interviewed the dental experts and FWMB partners at Legacy Pediatric and Adolescent Dentistry to answer these questions all mamas have! This is the second installment of "Teeth Talk." You...