Julie B

Julie B
Julie B was born and raised in Oklahoma and will forever proudly call herself an Okie. She moved to India after college to study language and culture, where she worked with women and children. She has since fallen in love with all things Bollywood. She moved to Texas in 2014 to attend graduate school and found her handsome husband Sam while there. They welcomed sweet baby Hudson into their lives in 2016, and Julie is now a stay-at-home mom taking graduate classes in her “free time.” She is a recent coffee convert and loves to cook spicy Indian food with her husband. You can discover more about Julie on her blog Sweet Tea and Chickpeas.
Liar, Fingers Crossed

Motherhood Made Me a Liar

Ahhh, sweet motherhood. We see the commercials that portray glowing mothers handed a clean baby in a quiet hospital room. There are shows that never reveal the mountains of laundry that must come with...

International Travel — with a Baby!

We recently took our first family vacation with our six-month-old baby. Let me clarify: We traveled all the way around the globe to South Asia with our six-month old. And you know what? I...
mom and baby playing

A Letter to the Baby Who Surprised Us

Hi, sweet baby. We found out you were coming on the Fourth of July. Just two weeks after Mommy and Daddy said, "I do." We couldn't believe it. We were so surprised. And, can I tell...
Happy Black Woman in Purple

The Stay-at-Home Extrovert

I love people. Plain and simple. I'm a classic extrovert. When I found out I was pregnant, I knew I wanted to stay at home with my little guy, but thoughts of being alone as...