
Angie is New Mexican born, but has lived most of her life in Texas. She is the mom of a son Baylor (2007) and a daughter Avery (2012). She is a registered nurse and has taken care of moms and babies for 17+ years. She provides professional support to pregnant moms, new moms, and moms of young children. She enjoys hosting parties in her spare time.
Reduce the risk of SIDS in newborns with these tips.

Reducing the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome {SIDS}

Many simple changes can be made to help keep your baby safe while sleeping. Some changes may be a bit harder, but it will be worth the peace of mind that comes with knowing your baby is sleeping safer.
Mushroom tops look like breasts with nipples.

Breastfeeding Before Birth :: How to Use Antenatal Hand Expression

What is breastfeeding before birth you ask?
Stop being a martyr and ask for help.

How to Be a Mother Not a Martyr

Significant other, in laws, neighbor, best friend, your person -- expect and ALLOW them to support you! Your support person can do things just as well as you (yes, even if it is different) and maybe even better than you.